
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Yeah, I know it's Mothers Day, but Mom is a thousand miles away, so after I give her a call, I figure I might be on the ramp at Brenham about 11:00 on Sunday if anyone wants to meet for lunch .... It gets crowded quick!

Let's see - we were at Coopers in Llano Friday, Port Aransas today, why not Brenham on Sunday. Works for me.

RV-10 N410MR
A nice day!

It was nice to see a few folks up at Brenham - and I was surprised that the place wasn't;t swamped by Mother's Day diners from the local area. There were places to park on the ramp and everything! What a nice place to go and sneak in your maximum weekly requirement of ice cream - of course, I was good, and did without a chocolate malt to go with my bacon cheesburger....

Thanks to Mark for letting us inspect that really nice -10 of his - there is no doubt in my mind that if I had a need for a four- seat GA airplane, the RV-10 would win the selection process hands down.

As some of the folks that were there saw, I was playing around with a video camera on my gear leg - on the way home, I climbed up among the building cumulus and got some interesting video - but that will take a whole 'nuther thread after I do a bit of post-processing and large file compression. Suffice to say that by the time I had gotten what I wanted, I was up to 11,000', and since I was headed to Anahuac for fuel, I figure I might as well go right over the top of the Houston Class B and save all that "going around" mileage. It was nice and cool up there, but the camera unfortunately ran out of storage capacity before I began the descent on the other side.....

(I paid $2.85 / gallon for 100LL at Anahuac BTW - the price has been the same there for over a month. On the drive home from the airport, the discount gas at Kroger's was running $2.86 / gallon for much for MOGAS being the cheap option! :p )
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Ironflight said:
I paid $2.85 / gallon for 100LL at Anahuac BTW - the price has been the same there for over a month. On the drive home from the airport, the discount gas at Kroger's was running $2.86 / gallon for much for MOGAS being the cheap option! :p

Yup, I was amazed by the price when I bought gas there early this morning... I kinda figured that the Airnav price was just outdated, but there it was, $2.85. Sweet! I had to miss out on the Brenham run; crew scheduling has me on reserve today starting at 1000, so I had to get up early and do a dawn patrol instead. It was rather nice to launch before sunrise on a Sunday morning; cool, smooth air and no other traffic to be seen. I gotta do that more often.
We missed ya' John, but I know....duty calls! I figure that sooner or later, Anahuac's going to have to buy another load of fuel, and the price will be a huge jump....but I know where there is another supply at that same price that rarely gets tapped....I bet you do too, but let's not spread the name around! ;)

HI Yall

Just missed ???????? the South TX Post.
I wouda,,,,,,,,,,.,., been ther....?
Sorry to miss out
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