
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Foggy and low in Houston this Saturday morning, but a front is promised, so Louise and I are planning on lunch at Brenham tomorrow (Sunday) - should be on the ramp by 1100 if anyone wants to join us!

Sounds like fun! But, I've spent my avgas budget already this month :) doing that trip up to Kansas and back, so I'll just do something local (and short)!

You have fun and have a big 'ol chocolate shake!

It was nice to see that the RV world was well represented Brenham today - they kept coming in waves, which maintained our presence all through the day! We had five planes show up for the 1100 table, and a group from Ellington showed up just as we wee leaving. Sorry to say, even though we brought along our neighbor in his F-1 Rocket, the L-39 reno Racer that got parked right in front of the restaurant door stole the show from everything else on the ramp.

You can bet that hamburger cost more than $100 bucks!! And they din't have Tanya cookies either.....


Indeed, a great RV day. There were 11 people at the table. I'm sometimes the quietest one, but enjoy it just as much. Once on the ground, we're all mere motals, but in the air we can do things that few know are possible. Like an entertaining VOR/DME insturment approach to the location for a great burger and malt, all in the name of training to be a better pilot. Thanks to all, including my safety pilot, I look forward to next time (BBQ at hard 8 in Smithville :).

It was nice to see that the RV world was well represented Brenham today - they kept coming in waves, which maintained our presence all through the day! We had five planes show up for the 1100 table, and a group from Ellington showed up just as we wee leaving. Sorry to say, even though we brought along our neighbor in his F-1 Rocket, the L-39 reno Racer that got parked right in front of the restaurant door stole the show from everything else on the ramp.

You can bet that hamburger cost more than $100 bucks!! And they din't have Tanya cookies either.....



Was the L39 Black Paul? If so he did a highspeed low pass at Weiser yesterday. Jon B was helping me with my cowl when I heard the familar sound of a turbine. See them every year at Reno. Next thing I know here he comes right down the runway low and fast. Pretty neat!:D
No, it was white.

Was the L39 Black Paul? If so he did a highspeed low pass at Weiser yesterday. Jon B was helping me with my cowl when I heard the familar sound of a turbine. See them every year at Reno. Next thing I know here he comes right down the runway low and fast. Pretty neat!:D
Sorry I missed you guys, but I did get some glider instruction at JWY (first time spinning a glider!) as well as some Hard Eight BBQ (ummmm). Nice day to be out flying, although a little bumpy around 3000-4000.

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I might know that jet. What kind of insignia did it have on it?

Was the L39 Black Paul? If so he did a highspeed low pass at Weiser yesterday. Jon B was helping me with my cowl when I heard the familar sound of a turbine. See them every year at Reno. Next thing I know here he comes right down the runway low and fast. Pretty neat!:D