
Well Known Member
Tanya and I are planning on dropping into Brenham (TX) this Saturday around 11am for lunch. We would love to share some good grub with other RVr's that are in the area. Ref other more "conspicous" post from Mikey.
I might be able to make Brenham, wx permitting. I'm down here with Bill and Mattie Marcum. I think they were looking for somewhere to go too.
Janie and I will try to make it---it is time for my monthly ration of Blue Bell ice cream!!


Maybe...Maybe not....

Well, the best laid plans....we had a little setback with the D180 today while trying to update the software to the latest version - it locked up and according to Dynon, the display board has a problem. The good news is that they have sent a new one overnight (Saturday delivery no less!) to us. Depending on when it gets here and we drop it in the panel, we might or might not make it in time to meet everyone....we'll get there, just depends on the UPS driver!

Depending on when it gets here and we drop it in the panel, we might or might not make it in time to meet everyone....we'll get there, just depends on the UPS driver!


Well hurry up Paul!! Bill, Mattie, and myself are flying up there and Bill wants to meet you. He said fly Val up there and fix Mikey later in the day if UPS doesn't come through for you.
I may come down just to go for a ride but it probably won't be until around 1pm. To cold out there for me this early.. brrrrr
It looks like we had at least two "shifts" for lunch. There were about 13 of us at 11am. We had a great time talking RV and eating good food. Just as the last of us were getting out, we heard the next shift of RVs arriving on the radio. Our seats in the diner should have still been warm for the second shift. Much fun.
The chilli and Blue Bell Malt was outstanding as was the company. Sorry I missed seeing Mikey's new panel.

How about Llano Sunday for Bar-B-Que? So far it looks Bob Dean (RV-8), Joe Ramotosky (RV-9) and me.
Need more to fill up the van.

Second Shift!

Louise and I arrived just as the first shift was departing - we caught a few of the first shift on the ramp to talk and look at airplanes, and talked Tobin, Bill and Mattie into staying for dessert while we had lunch - a nice time!

Sorry we missed the first wave - UPS showed up with the new D180 at 1030, it was at the airport by 1115, and we were firing up the engine shortly after noon. Hats off the Dynon, Stein, and UPS for a quick response to an AOG!

How about Llano Sunday for Bar-B-Que? So far it looks Bob Dean (RV-8), Joe Ramotosky (RV-9) and me.
Need more to fill up the van.

Ah, decisions, decisions! Sorry Mark - we just kinda committed to KSEP for tomorrow's lunch. Dang - imagine having TO MANY places to fly in the middle of winter? I know our friends up north are feeling sorry for us...not!



Thanks for the hospitality in Lockhart over Chrismas and the use of the vehicle in Port Aransas.

For the rest of the B.C.? folks wish I could join you. Wifey says no to a $500.00 sandwich tomorrow. (It's a long way from N.E. Georgia folks!)

Maybe we'll see you at the Hard 8 if I can convince the Central Texas group the Llano identifier is KSEP.
