
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
OK folks, SOMEONE I know is having a birthday this weekend, and while she is so busy that she just wants to sit in her study and work, the offer of a BIRTHDAY MALT at Brenham seems like it will be enough to lure her out of her lair for an hour or two. Anyone that cares to join us, we'll be on the ramp at 11:00, ready to get a table!

Looks like a cold front will pass through Saturday, so here's hoping the weather is nice.

SOMEONE is having a birthday!

OK folks, SOMEONE I know is having a birthday this weekend, and while she is so busy that she just wants to sit in her study and work, the offer of a BIRTHDAY MALT at Brenham seems like it will be enough to lure her out of her lair for an hour or two. Anyone that cares to join us, we'll be on the ramp at 11:00, ready to get a table!

Looks like a cold front will pass through Saturday, so here's hoping the weather is nice.


Won't be able to join you, but wish SOMEONE a Happy Birthday for me! :D

Of course we'll be there unless there are thunderstorms, icing, or ceilings below the nearest cell phone tower :).
EDIT: Looks like Tanya is feeling like BBQ instead. Plus she needs the simulated instrument time that a northern lunch run will provide better. I guess I spoke before consulting the pilot.
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I am going to drive up from Conroe to visit with you guys. I will bring the picture for you guys to sign of Bob if you want to. Can't wait to visit with you guys!

Brenham vs Hard 8 stop on my way to Caymans

I'm flying into the DFW area with Rosie and Bill (RV-10). We are all going to Little Cayman via Sun n' fun on different routes after DFW area. I'm heading to Housten on Sunday to see my brother. touch choices....... I love those Malts and the flowers along the runway this time of year at Brenham.

You'll recognize me with the 12" letters on my plane.

I'm glad I wasn't born on the 18th!

I hope Mercedes and others are doing okay behind this storm. It's been quite the nasty weather here today. But, tomorrow is supposed to be great and I look forward to seeing old friends and meeting some new ones. (Sorry to miss Rosie and Tuppergal.) But, first and foremost, fly safe and make good decisions!
Happy Birthday Louise!

Ann & I had hoped to make it but runway is "SOGGY" from yesterday's and today's rain.
Ann & I had hoped to make it but runway is "SOGGY" from yesterday's and today's rain.

Soggy?!?! You want Soggy?!?!?:rolleyes:

Our Hard Surface Runway was solid water, from the hangars on one side to the hangars on the other.....including the ditches on both sides!:eek:

Suddenly, the neighbor's SeaRey (amphibian) project doesn't look so bad.....;)

Tomorrow definitely has to be better - it can't get much worse!

It is crazy how much water there is around here. But I will be there on the ramp at 11am!
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Weather looks good so we'll See you tomorrow at 11R

We waited out the storm at Plainview, TX this afternoon. Got into LUD at 6:30pm. Seeing friends and having fun. I'll see you guys tomorrow on my way to Houston KDWH to see my baby brother.

Jay Pratt???

I went over for Louise's birthday today and for the good lunch but of course the main reason was to see Jay's new RV-4.

Lets join Paul at Brenham 11R,
Sunday for Lunch

11:00 AM on the ramp

I have the RV4, almost completly debugged, all but one, and plan to fly it there. What a fun airplane! It has a checker rudder now, ck it out.

I flew over 1,000 miles; braved gusty crosswinds, floods and fire. I dodged numerous birds and evil radio towers and power turbines. I got beat up flying nap of the earth to try to stay out of 30 knot headwinds. I tried to "ck it out", but Jay must of had the RV-4 down at the other end of the ramp or something?
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Sorry to miss you guys (and gals), but the glider called again. Practicing for my commercial checkride next week. Had good lift through 4500 today when the forecast was for a poor soaring day. We had just planned to talk through cross-country stuff but managed to get some in.

I went over for Louise's birthday today and for the good lunch but of course the main reason was to see Jay's new RV-4.....but Jay must of had the RV-4 down at the other end of the ramp or something?

Jay went to Stephenville instead. On the other hand, Jayne, myself, and Bill Marcum made it to Brenham, but we had to wait for low ceilings in Corpus and by the time we made it to Brenham everyone had left already:( But we still had a shake!
Thanks, folks!

Thanks to the folks who showed up for my birthday malt. What a pleasant surprise to hear 441LP arriving on the radio! My stressed, frassled, I-don't-have-time-for-a-party mood dissolved as we came into the pattern and the rest of the day was a real good time. Even convinced Larry to come down and check out our digs.

Sorry to miss Tobin, Jayne, Bill, and others who arrived late. I hope you enjoyed your meals.

I have some photos from the trip and folks can see them at (Picasa has changed their format on me and I don't have time to figure out how to embed a few. Sorry.)