
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I see that Jay has got the North Texas bunch going to Cedar Mills tomorrow, but that's a little far for us tomorrow. Louise needs to spend a little cross-country time in the front seat of the Val to learn avionics, so we're just going to pop up to Brenham for lunch, in case anyone wants to meet us on the ramp at 1100.

Weather looks to be better than originally predicted for tomorrow - sure was nice today!


Brenham is about 160 miles form the 'Metro Mess', (DFW). What is half way?
I can read Rand Mc Nally as good as anyone,,, but,,, is there a lunch place half way?? Houston to DFW???

I have a hard time draggging these BCs more than 100 miles for lunch...

Help!!! :rolleyes:
Jaybird and Iron, how about Hilltop Lakes for next time?

I believe it is about halfway between the DFW area and Houston. Don't know status of restaurant, if it is still open.

Jaybird and Iron, how about Hilltop Lakes for next time?

I believe it is about halfway between the DFW area and Houston. Don't know status of restaurant, if it is still open.


Hilltop is always a great choice if the restaurant is open - you gonna check on it for us Scorch?

Louise and I got to Brenham a little late, but were the first ones at the restaurant. As we were finishing, a flock of RV's started dropping in - I think I recognized some from Hooks, and knew some guys from the San Antonio area. Glad to see people out and about, even when it's chilly (for Texas)!

Hilltop Lakes

The last time we went to Hilltop Lakes the good ole Texas stickers were so bad they stuck to everything! If you have air cushioned shoes, don't wear them there, you'll get a flat!
The last time we went to Hilltop Lakes the good ole Texas stickers were so bad they stuck to everything! If you have air cushioned shoes, don't wear them there, you'll get a flat!


I love Hilltop Lakes. Great people -- gentleman I got PPR from even gave me a ride to the restaurant when I landed there during my long student XC, and a guy I ate with gave me a ride back. (And the airport turned out to be a great conversation starter later, with my DPE...)
I think I recognized some from Hooks...

Paul, speaking of Hooks (David Wayne Hooks, KDWH, North Houston), why don't more RVer's go there? Jayne and I love it there and go there often. For those who don't know, the resturant is right next to the parking area, and they have four courtesy cars. It's towered, but you can get in under the Bravo easily without talking to approach.
Paul, speaking of Hooks (David Wayne Hooks, KDWH, North Houston), why don't more RVer's go there? Jayne and I love it there and go there often. For those who don't know, the resturant is right next to the parking area, and they have four courtesy cars. It's towered, but you can get in under the Bravo easily without talking to approach.

I did hear an RV come in on Saturday...turned into a T&G when the tower told them the Aiviator's Grill was closed for New Year's. ;) DWH was hopping this weekend though. (At least Fri/Sat. Taxiway E/J right next to the FBO I rent from was 4 deep in RV's at one point...was quite pretty. :))
Paul, speaking of Hooks (David Wayne Hooks, KDWH, North Houston), why don't more RVer's go there? Jayne and I love it there and go there often. For those who don't know, the resturant is right next to the parking area, and they have four courtesy cars. It's towered, but you can get in under the Bravo easily without talking to approach.

The Houston RV Builder's group mets there probably every fourth month ( there are about four airports locally that are convenient for drivers as well as flyers and have restaurants...), and I agree the restaurant is very nice. I think more of the flying RV's like to go out from under the Class B so that they have some place to fly! There are a lot of the local RV'ers based at Hooks, and they want to burn Avgas too....

Another place we never seem to have RV flyouts is Brazoria - the Windsock Grill makes an outstanding Reuben sandwich! We go there for lunch on Saturdays sometime, as it's about 7 minutes away by RV - lots of locals there. We'll have to pick a date for an RV lunch there sometime - when they finish replacing the runway! (It disappeared about 3 weeks ago in a cloud of construction trucks...)

Just for Reference

Fields with resturants on them in central/south TX:

Hooks (north Houston)
Brazoria LBX (West Houston)
Brenham 11R
New Braunfels BAZ (North east San Antonio)
Stinson SSF (San Antonio)
Victoria VCT
Lufkin LFK
Fredericksburg T82 (65nm west of Austin)
Hilltop (open???)

I'm sure there are many more.
Casa Carrasco Bar & Grill - Cameron T35

I have no idea how the food is, but we heard this mentioned on 122.75 this weekend. It looks to be very close to the airport, and I was told it was basically across the street from the terminal building. Open Sat 11-10 and Sun 11-3. 125 from Hicks and 100 from IAH.
Hilltop Lakes Update

Hilltop (open???)

I received this update from my contact at Hilltop Lakes (paraphrased a bit):

Yes, the restaurant is closed Monday and Tuesday, but it is open Wed-Fri. from 11:00 to 8:00pm, and open 8am to 8pm Saturday, and 8am to 2pm on Sunday. I heard today that it will stay [open with] the same [food] for now.

Our runway lights are still out of service, but we have ordered more and they should be operational sometime soon. But don't plan on them in the near future.