
Helping with the CI on our RV6 I noticed the breather tube is curved forward atv the bottom and does not have a whistle hole. The best I can tell it is the stock Vans part. Can anybody confirm that our setup is correct. The bottom of the tube is behind the lower cowl so it should not get any ram air. Thank you. Any pictures of correct setup would be great as well.

From my understanding you don't want to slam ram air into it but you also don't want to put a suction on it. It would seem to me that suction would be even worse for oil loss.

Here is how mine currently is. I installed a 1/4" alternate hole in case the end freezes. I would rather keep my crankshaft oil seal intact. :D

P.S. The alternate hole is not drilled in the pic below. I put it right below the adel clamp. I also pulled a bit up in the hole to deform the material in such a way as to capture any drips. Hope that makes sense...


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