
Well Known Member
I missed out on the lunch gathering at Cedar Key last Saturday so I was wondering if we could round up the usual suspects for breakfast this Saturday. I think breakfast is a better idea to avoid the afternoon TS common to South Florida in the summer. I was thinking Sebring but I'm open to any ideas. Carl, Dan, Pat, George, any others in the ZPH or BKV mafia, Tony?
I'm in.
The Wed morning KSEF breakfast is tough to do as I'm a working stiff.
Also, can if be a bit later than 8AM? That is really hard on my consitution!
I'm a working guy, too, so we'll see what we can get together. How late were you thinking? We had our get together in LAL in early July at 9 am and by the time I got home to PIE, the buildup was already beginning. I'll try to coordinate with others also.
EAA Chapter 565 will be having a pancake breakfast fly-in at Punta Gorda Airport if you're interested in heading a little further south. Their building is on the south ramp.
I've just committed to Ryan to go to Panama City to do a pre-buy on a 7A kit on Saturday. It's still tentative, but if it falls thru, I'd probably join you.

I plan to be on Treasure Island on Saturday morning.

I would be interested in going if I can hitch a ride with one of you. I could meet you at PIE or SPG.
Hi Tony:

I'd love to have a passenger. Perhaps we could meet at PIE and meander down to PGD. I've got your cell phone number so I'll call in a couple of days to work out times.

breakfast club

When you get it final, let us know. there will probably be two from X49 that would love to go too. Too much rain. not enough flying!

It looks like Punta Gorda Saturday for the EAA Chapter Pancake breakfast. See the earlier post. 0800-1100. $4.00 donation. I like to support our EAA brethren whenever possible. If pancakes are involved, all the better. We (Tony Johnson) and I will probably roll in between 8 and 9. If anybody has any other ideas, let me know.
Count me in


I'll make the trip. I'm going to shoot for 8:00 AM arrival to beat the storms. That of course is assuming that we're not facing the dreaded reverse pattern that shows up occasionally.

I'll let George, Pat and the rest of ZPH know.
Glad you can go Tony

How's the panel coming. never heard from you, assume you're on track??


I am working on the panel as I have been for the past few days, about 4 hours a day in the evenings.

Very tedious and frustrating, but I am getting there. I was about to post a question in the general area about wire size and pin size.

My D connecter that came with my used Garmin 327 transponder seems to have a fault. The pin will not engage in one of the holes, it just slides in and out. I know the pin will work in other holes.

I may have to replace that connector, which of course means removing all the pins I have inserted so far.

My wiring of the ICOM was a train wreck. A friend and RV builder who is an A7P stopped by last night to help me get that straight. I will have to order more terminals because I buggered up all those that came with the radio.

However, I am learning a lot and I have a sense of humor.