
Active Member
I'm almost finished my panel. I'm still trying to find breakers sizes(value)for the following equipment:
Heated pitot tube Gretez,
Flap actuator from Vans,
Master Main Relay,
Starter relay,
Starter Power
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Everyday it gets a little be closer
Russel Koch
RV9A C-GKOC Reservered
I don't have my builder's manual handy, but I beleive that the simple electrical diagram shown there as an example should give you wire sizes and circuit protection recomendations for these routine circuits. If not, then the Bingellis books will certainly have something.
I'm almost finished my panel. I'm still trying to find breakers sizes(value)for the following equipment:
Heated pitot tube Gretez,
Flap actuator from Vans,
Master Main Relay,
Starter relay,
Starter Power
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Everyday it gets a little be closer
Russel Koch
RV9A C-GKOC Reservered

The Vertical Power website has much useful info even if you are not using their system. Check the following:


