
fugio ergo sum

I thought about this quite a lot as I was building. I am not a talented nor an enthusiastic builder so I kept wondering, "am I ever going to fly this thing as many hours as I spent building it?"

Well, not yet, though I'm sure quite a few have. I am getting in the ballpark, and will consider that a milestone.
That's an interesting way to look at it. Glad you're enjoying your plane now that its flying. But I have to ask. If building felt more like a chore to you, then why did you build and not buy? That's a lot of time to spend doing something you don't enjoy.
Good thought experiment...

...I have been at my verrrrrrrry slow build -6A for 13 years, and right at 5,000 hours on the build Hobbs. I do not see how I could ever rack up 5000 flight hours at this point in my life. All the paper work went in to the FAA FSDO two weeks ago and I am patiently awaiting the call for the airworthiness inspection.

I would have to say that I went into the "experimental" project as a learning / education experience. I have indeed learned a great deal, both theory in aeronautics and fabrication. I still consider the journey as time well spent.
But I have to ask. If building felt more like a chore to you, then why did you build and not buy?

I know....What the heck else is there to do in Carlsbad!? ;):p:D

Very interesting thought Larry - I hadn't thought about the fact that in 109.3 Hours, I will surpass my building hours with flying hours. That should happen in a few months. Wow!!


I thought about this quite a lot as I was building. I am not a talented nor an enthusiastic builder so I kept wondering, "am I ever going to fly this thing as many hours as I spent building it?"

Well, not yet, though I'm sure quite a few have. I am getting in the ballpark, and will consider that a milestone.

Interesting viewpoint. I prefer to compare the two years of building with the ten years of flying entertainment. :)
Interesting. Also, if one spent $80K and 2,000 hours on one's project, then the hourly build expense would be $40/hour. So, isn't building cheaper than flying? Not that one would build one of these things and not want to eventually fly.
...If building felt more like a chore to you, then why did you build and not buy? That's a lot of time to spend doing something you don't enjoy.
I recognized that the RV was the coolest airplane ever, accessible to persons of my means, but the 90s was a different time, there weren't that many RVs for sale. I shopped extensively. I flew my Pacer to the nearby places that had seemingly suitable RVs that the owners were willing to part with. I was tempted a few times, but am glad I didn't buy any of the airplanes I looked at. It just came down to the fact that if I was to get anything like I wanted, I was going to have to build it.

Of course the first question everyone asks when they look at the airplane is "did you build it?" It is really nice to say yes, but then I have to say "it was a quick-build kit." I ordered the moment the quick build tip-up RV-6 was available. That was the one I wanted!

I know....What the heck else is there to do in Carlsbad!? ;):p:D...
Well there is the Best Western restaurant.:rolleyes:
Ya know Larry, Greg Arehart (RV-9A and VAF guy) asked me that very question last week, and we mused a bit on it. I told him that at the rate he's going, he'll be there in no time! (I think he's done 10% in 8 months!)

I, on the other hand, bought mine two years ago, and am upside down in maintenance hours vs. flying hours already. :eek: (OK, a 5 month panel upgrade tipped the scale last year...I'll get her back in the black! :)) Different metric, but what the heck.

However, I do like working on the 6, making it nicer along the way, and learning all of it's ins and outs...so I sort of put those maintenance hours in the same "good" bucket as the flying hours (and they are my "builder appreciation hours" as well). I can only imagine that many builders do likewise with the build hours. (And yes, I have that other bucket of pulled hair and choice words! ;))

Pretty cool that you are almost there Paul...gonna have a "Breakeven Party"? I'm always looking for a reason to throw (or crash) a party!

Well there is the Best Western restaurant.:rolleyes:

I've eaten (and stayed) there Larry. Our first night when bringing the airplane back west from FL after the buy. Wish I'da known you were there!

Don't try to rationalize it.....if you do, you might miss the payback.
When I was building, I said, don't record how many hours. I didn't, I don't think I would have been able to, why? I was doing work in my sleep, in all my spare time, 5min here, 5 min there, 15 min here, 15 min there. I just said nope won't do it. It did take me 2 years 8 months on a slow build, with paint. I just wish I did those wheel pants when it wasn't flying, very hard to get them on, I guess it's like painting the plane, if you don't paint it...

Anyway, I have 80k in money in the plane and hours, who cares. I will say in a month I put 60hrs on her, yup, I am going to get some use out of it.
I can build when the weather is too lousy to fly, so those hours don't count (lotsa that in Oregon). And I don't fly at night anyway, so there are more hours that don't count. And considering it takes an hour to go to the airport, preflight, post flight, etc. there are times when I can build but don't have the time to fly, so those hours don't count, either.

So the way I see it, very few build hours should be compared to future flying hours, so the break even point is actually very low.
Don't try to rationalize it.....if you do, you might miss the payback.

So the way I see it, very few build hours should be compared to future flying hours, so the break even point is actually very low.

All pretty tongue-in-cheek, right (my post was, I'm not really counting maintenance hours :))...and Webb and RS are right.

In fact, the BEP is probably 1.0 (or heck, 0.1 for that matter!). Once you break ground, you're better than even, IMHO!! I didn't build mine, so don't want to speak out of turn, but I imagine that's even more true for those that did.

But I still think Paul should throw a Breakeven Party, so we can all descend upon Polly Ranch. :D (That's tongue-in-cheek too! ;))

As Bob mentioned, the other day I was wondering how many folks out there have more flying than building hours, not that the building was a chore, but more out of curiosity. I certainly enjoyed building, and I am also enjoying flying (and continuing building - as someone has said, "flying but not finished"). If I knew how to do a poll on here, I would post it just to see....
