
Well Known Member
For those who have fitted the aft window, did you find it necessary to break the edges of the upper skins (F-01474-L and -R) where they meet the plexiglass in order to get a nice fit? Plans don't mention this when building the tailcone, and if needed I'd rather do it before painting the inside of the skins (I paint interior parts prior to riveting).

I did, but very slightly. Seemed to help, especially along the top. Best to do it before you dimple, but I imagine most folks have already dimpled at that point
At least during the construction of the tail cone, the instructions says not to dimple and no mention of edge break for this area. I guess I need to double check those pages. Remember, this part does not get riveted but screwed, there will be a thin layer of proseal or other type seal used for water proofing and you want an straight skin so the aft canopy part can easily slid in-out for fitting.
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Roll edge with special roller tool only!

It was not possible to roll edges top center due to longatudinal bar over luggage compartment. But plexiglass window will seal better with proseal if edges are rolled as possible. Practice on scrap first to be sure you like the result. Change tool if needed.
Mine was already dimpled at that point but I still put a very slight break on the edges. Turned out good but would have been better if I had done it before the dimpling.