
Well Known Member
When prepping the edges of the tailcone skins, the instructions say to break all of the long edges of all the skins except F-1279. It seems like breaking the edge on that part would be a good idea. What have others done? Break it or leave it flat? Any reason not to break it?
I put a break in that skin just as I did on the other side and it sat down nice and flush against the lower skin. I can't remember if I read that in the plans or if I just repeated the same process from the right side.
I called Van's about that. We concluded that it was just an omission. I ended up breaking all the edges on the tail skin.

Jim Jeter
RV-12 in progress.
Breaking Edge of F-1279

I believe I broke any edge that overlapped a curved skin. As you progress to the aft end of the tail cone, the break increases. It's a matter of break and fit several times to get it right.

Art Pennanen
F-1279 edge break?

Jim, thanks for sharing your reply from Van's! That was my suspicion.
I hit the same point this weekend, clecoed them down and they looked "ok", but you never really no until you rivet them.
So...figuring the Van's folks were busy with firecrackers and BBQ, I broke the edges very slightly. Result was a perfect fit and no worries.

Ken, minor clarification: the instructions don't say "except the F-1279", they just don't say ANYTHING one way or the other about breaking the 1279 edges. I got cross-eyed looking for something, anything about it. Not in there. No offense, I know what you meant, but another reader might not.