What is the best place to find a break down of build times by section? I'm interested in putting data together to find an "average" build time and am most interested in QB packages. Can anybody recommend some good blogs that break their time down???

I built a RV7 Empennage at the Synergy Air 1 week class. They told me that each of the quick-build sections takes about the same amount of time as the slow build Empennage. That is with their help, but should be a good rule of thumb - However long the Empennage takes you is how long the other sections should take each.
Just me

I am building a 9a and it is not as fast of a build as a 14. The build time in each section varied wildly. The slowness for came from not knowing what to do and figuring it out using VAF, ETC. this is why the 14 builds faster, in my opinion.
There are quite a few blogs you can find with a google search, as well as EAA's https://eaabuilderslog.org. Some have times, some don't.

I did an estimate using a few of the sites, and then went to an hours per page calculation from the plans to build my rough schedule. I have found that there are quite a few sites with good info on the EMP section, but it starts to get hit and miss after. I used an average of 3.5 hours per page, so ended up with something like 1600 hours. Again as a rough "about how long will this take", and can very greatly.

My specific assumptions include QB wings and fuse, avionics by 3rd party, painting 3rd party, interior 3rd party. Hope this helps!

Other assumptions on QB, took sections 26, 29 to 1 hour per page on fuse, no change to sec 30-37, Wing did a 60 hour estimate, no per page. So that's 60 hours on the wings, and about 370 hours on the fuselage.

So for estimated I've got 250 hours on the EMP, 370 on QBFUSE, 60 on QBWING and 850 on finishing and everything else, for about the 1600 total.
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Hint: your build time will be faster if you don't manage a full blog and tracking time for each section.

As a reference my QB 14A took me 11 months from order to finish with nothing outsourced other than laser cutting the panel and the seats.
My SB 14A took me 13 months for the same build.

The quick breakdown, as far as I remember, 7 weeks for the empennage, six weeks for the Fues, 8 weeks for the wings, 8 weeks for the wiring/panel, 3 weeks for the engine, 2 weeks for assembly, 3 weeks for finishing/cowling, a few weeks wait for backordered parts.
My -14A slow build took just over 1,200 hours (over 21 months) from Day 1 to first flight, unpainted.

That said, my early -8 slow build (finished in 2002) took only 1,800-ish hours over 29 months.

Compared to the old -8 kits, the -14A is like a Snap-Tite model. :)
Super helpful everybody! Thanks!

Another question while I'm at it.....Does anybody have an EXCEL spreadsheet of their inventory lists that they wouldn't mind sharing???

I receive my Finish and FF kits next week (1 week shy of 1 year) which will finish out all parts (QB Fuse & wings) except the EXP119a that I've put off twice....(You're welcome LOL). As I start to get serious now, I'm finding it difficult to sort parts since I didn't keep them separate....I have heard and expect that an EXCEL file will help.
I can tell you aren’t building yet and you are in the getting ready phase, probably waiting for a kit or something. All the info in the world you are looking for won’t make the process any different that what it will be. It’s a long, complicated process with lots of ups and downs that is not quantifiable.

As I like to say over the PA, “sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride”.