Lili, could you give us a general location of this runway? It looks like some back country runway in Acre State, where there's been a great flood... :confused:

Oh, I get it now!
Sorry, not very good in english... THAT kind of landing strip... is really a lot more common down here, guys. And it normaly looks much better than that flooded runway!:D
Wow... look at all the hits this thread is getting!!!

Detlef, you hit a home run and weren't even aware of it!

;) CJ
You need the right kind of aircraft.

It looks like a SEA BASE to me. I see a taxiway on the side.:eek:

What you need is an amphibian, then you are right for any eventuallity!

However if you do make a mistake and end up "out of bounds" you get see Piranha! I can see the headlines.... pilot misses runway and gets eaten....Now there?s an incentive to get it right.
Who makes that video??

I see, you loved the landing strip, but I still dont see any video of anybody landing on it!!!! Of course with the RV!!:D

Do you have any recollection as to where this picture was taken? I fly all around Brasil many times a month, of course in a 737, so no way i'd land there, but it just got me curious as to the general location of that strip. I guess it's in the west Amazon, in the state of ACRE.
But I'm not sure the region is very large, as you know it.:confused:

Do you have any recollection as to where this picture was taken? I fly all around Brasil many times a month, of course in a 737, so no way i'd land there, but it just got me curious as to the general location of that strip. I guess it's in the west Amazon, in the state of ACRE.
But I'm not sure the region is very large, as you know it.:confused:

Looks more like "Pantanal" to me, state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS). An area wich gets flooded every year during the raining period and turns itself into an enormous swamp during one quarter of the year. (Comparable to the Everglades in Florida)... Lies south of Cuiaba, north of Campo Grande and east of Corumba.
Here the answer... where was that airstrip?

Hi guys,

I had to read our diary to find out where that awesome landing strip was...

Well, none of you were right, it was not Pantanal and it was not Acre, it was in between Macapa and Belem, and here the map

I found also the picture that followed the one of the airstrip. Rain showers and heavy thunders were always in our path. The only procedure to avoid them as much as possible was to get up very early . This pictures shows flight over the Amazon River, shortly after passing the Equator and it is the flight that goes from Macapa to Belem, Benevides.

Here the landing strip in Benevides, and again another shower very near.

The rain got very fast...

But there is always a beautiful propeller that serves to hang up the clothes to dry!!! And as you can see, soon after the sun came out..

This was our flight from Macapa to Benevides, trying to fly faster as the rain, and sometimes had also to fly around the clouds.
Mystery solved!

I knew it had to be somewhere in the Amazon region. I thought it could be in ACRE because there was this super flood there last month. I see that the pictures were taken before that, so it actually makes it even harder to pinpoint the location, but the region was obvious. Well, mystery solved!
Thanks, Detlef! :cool: