
Active Member
Gents, anybody experience a reduction in braking power on your right break. I have 72 hours on my 8 and the right break has much less power than the left. I have heard about glazing the pads, could this be a symptom? Can you re-burn in the pads or do I buy a new one? help:rolleyes:
Well Doug, they all wear out sooner or later....and how soon depends on how you are using the brakes. It actually can be sort of easy to ride them without knowing it, especially in a plane that might be new to you. I do tend to use more right brake than left - but I'll be honest, I am also getting 400 hours on a set of pads. You probably should take the wheel pants off and see if you're down to minimum thickness - a kit with four pads and rivets doesn't really cost that much. I've never heard of re-burning them, but maybe I'll once again learn something new from someone here!

If they are "glazed", you will not be able to re-burn them in. You may be able to break the glaze with heavy grit sandpaper.

Ok, I'll take a look and see what gives. As always appreciate the insight. I'll post the findings for reference.

Is it spongy? how does the travel compare with the other... same travel with less braking action... or more travel with a spongy feel?
Call me if you want.
Brian Wallis
In the Cleveland Product Reference Memo that came with my wheels they discuss a "Conditioning Procedure for Non-Asbestos Organic Brake Linings.
Are you familiar with it?

Synopsis; Slightly more travel than the left with less braking, bled the brakes twice and same condition. Inital break in per Parker instructions. Visual pad inspection next.

Gents, FYI, I pulled the brake pads and roughed them up with 80 grit, put them back on and the work like a charm. Thanks for the help.