
Well Known Member
I am going to order the finish kit witch contains the wheel brakes. I know I will use my brakes more than the average RV due to the nose wheel not being steerable. I have read many posts where folks are not pleased with the kit brakes, they either go with another company or they mod the brakes for different fluids etc. So those flying or soon to be, did you use the kit brakes, what mods did you make and if you could do it over again what would you build with. I am considering the Grove Wheel and brakes, if anyone has any experience with them and the compatibility with the -8A kit would be helpful.

I went with the better, Grove brakes have twice the kenetic stopping power. When I did my training in the 6 I couldn't believe how bad it stopped. I'm glad I upgraded. Get the magnesium wheels while your at it.
part no. is 56-1m 500x5, make sure and get the nose wheel as well.

I also went one further and got the Grove masters, they are adjustable and have a stronger return spring.
Nose wheel on the way

I went with the better, Grove brakes have twice the kenetic stopping power. When I did my training in the 6 I couldn't believe how bad it stopped. I'm glad I upgraded. Get the magnesium wheels while your at it.
part no. is 56-1m 500x5, make sure and get the nose wheel as well.

I also went one further and got the Grove masters, they are adjustable and have a stronger return spring.


Ordering the nose wheel is part of what got me to thinking about the brakes, also I am trying to decide what I want left off of the standard finish kit. The nose wheel will be here tomorrow in fact, of course I have no nose gear to hang it on yet.

Upgraded to the Grove main wheels/brakes/master cyl's after about a year of flying with the stock, next one time I build I will do it from the beginning as it made a noticable improvement. Grove Nose wheel about 6 months ago, good to go all around now!