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Does anyone fly a taildragger without brakes? If so, I’d be interested to know how that’s been working out. Seems like it would be fine, even advantageous in some ways.
I use mine every time I fly, not even including run up!

Even IF you never use them, what would you do if you needed them in an emergency?
Run up, Hold short when directed by tower...and so forth...

I *did* omit the brake pedals from the passenger side; I didn't want a nervous passenger stomping on the binders during a wheel landing -- that would be bad.
no brakes

Tiger Moth on grass works fine. J3 that never had brakes installed, on pavement, going slightly down hill, First Officer jumps out and grabs the tail. And yes that really did happen at Binghampton NY.
Lots of ski plane flying in Upstate NY-no brakes on skis.
Sorry guys but this is a stupid topic to be discussing especially as it relates to RV's. You need brakes. I hate to be a meanie but I'm closing this thread before it gets out of hand.

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