
Well Known Member
I replaced my brake pads and had no issues doing that, it is quite an easy job taking less than an hour for both right and left mains including removing the wheel pants.
I have 120 hours and 190 takeoffs and landings on the plane and have being watching my right brake linings since it seemed to be wearing faster than the left. I attribute this to a tendency to ride the right brake when starting the takeoff roll before the rudder becomes effective. With some recent practice I have found that by bringing the power up more gradually starting with lots of right rudder I can pretty much eliminate having to use the right brake and the lining should last a lot longer. My left brake was only worn about 50%.
Here is a picture of the right pads showing the moveable shoe on the right with the lining almost to the rivets:

In a previous post in the tire thread I mentioned that Matco MFG has a "SwiftLine" program that I am using and recommend. In this program you buy a brake kit with shoes and linings at a 20% discount and after replacing your worn shoes you send them back and they will reline them for you at a 20% discount on the new linings and no cost for the riveting. This is a great service. The company responds very quickly to orders and phone calls.

I don't go into grass fields much but I saw an emergency brake today that looks simple and effective, maybe could be added to the 12 for you guys who have your own short grass strips:

Hee, Hee -- just kidding :D

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