
Well Known Member
So the -14A kits include the Grove wheel &brake kit# 55-204. I am considering going with the 56-213 kit as an upgrade. I did this when I built my -9A and felt is was a good upgrade. See link:

The difference is specs are:

55-204 Kinetic energy 162,315 ft-lbs - Braking torque 3,218 in-lbs

56-213 Kinetic energy 205,146 ft-lbs - Braking torque 3,283 in-lbs

The biggest concern is whether the slightly larger caliper will fit in the RV-14 wheel pant - no desire real desire to add work modifying pant, but would if i had too.

The added margin is nice when dragging your brakes in the congo line at OSH plus reduced brake fading.

Any thoughts from the community on this?
Why would you upgrade brakes when the posted landing performance is 550? at Gross weight? Where do you intend to use the extra performance? If it?s just to look a bit different fair enough but for more braking performance?
I?ll retire now and done my hard hat.....
I don?t see room being a problem.
My Dad had to have everything HDuty. Trucks, shocks, mustard.
For $70 more, why not. Wonder if the pads last longer?
Best look yourself and check the fitting.
Seems most everyone adds their own thing or two.