Paul the Overlord

Well Known Member
So I finally got the inserts in the pedal connections and was preparing to cut the long lines to the brakes when I discovered that I should have cut the 36" piece from one 15 foot roll and the 37" piece from the *other* roll instead of the same roll since the remaining roll is too short to split into the two long lengths. Woulda been nice if the plans indicated this... grrr..... unless I'm a bonehead and am missing something (distinct possibility).
I got lucky with that one. I decided to install just the long brake lines with the fuel system before I put the tail cone on the fuse, so those we the first lines that I cut. Maybe a change to the order of assembly could prevent this.
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Sorry to hear your woes BUT thanks for the tip. Will be there soon. BTW, Did you see my fuel return line question? Thought you just finished them?