Paul Austin

Active Member
Does anyone know who supplies the brake pedals like the ones in David Cooks photos of his rv7 on the home page today or are they custom made. I have seen them on several occasions but never been able to find out who makes them.:confused:
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Ooooo, Okay Mike you win this one mister!:D

Carlos, I have been lusting for these units for a long time. I am just too cheap to spend that kind of $$$ until I hear a few good pireps on them.

I have asked here on the forums in the past, and no one seems to be flying with them, at least, no one who posts here.

The design sure does make sense though.
These are even nicer........

These are manufactured by Paul Grimstad. This picture is of Deem Davis' RV-10.


Notice what's missing? No more brake line clutter!
Control Approach

These are even nicer........

These are manufactured by Paul Grimstad. This picture is of Deem Davis' RV-10.


Notice what's missing? No more brake line clutter!

It gets even better!

I just received new Black Teflon coated stainless steel brake lines from Bonaco Inc today, They are smaller that those you see in the picture above and should end up completely hidden (as the brake cylinders are now behind the brake pedals). I should get them installed and then bled next week and I'll post new pictures on my website. The pedals are made By Control Approach (Paul Grimstad proprietor)

Here's a link to a photo album of the installation: Approach Rudder-Brake Pedals/index.html

And here's a link to the write up:
PM me for Paul's contact information

Those are very sharp! Is there a model available for the RV7/9?

My last conversation w/ Paul was regarding his intention to extend the product line to the 6,7 & 9 Rv's. He's thought through the issues and I'm not sure how much of the engineering and CAD work hes already done, I'm sure a direct contact with him will provide you with accurate and updated information.
He's one of the nicest guys I know, He's a general contractor during the day, and if you saw his homes you'd never want anyone else to build one for you. I can say the same about his rudder/brake pedals
The stock pedals work well and since you can't see them, I see no need for the heavy pedals.

Yes - I remember thinking quite a bit about how the pedals 'looked' when I was building my RV. Once flying it becomes quite clear that you can't see them. I'm glad I stayed 'stock'.