
Well Known Member
I have read a lot on the forum about RUDDER pedal extensions , BUT my probelm is (Short legs!): I can reach the bottom of the pedals ok(Rudder), But to apply or hold the brakes is a chore. I cant really apply a lot of pressure without sliding way down in the seat!! Any way to mod the top part of the pedals?
Maybe -- just maybe...

Look along the longerons where the rudder pedal torque tubes are attached -- some builders drill additional holes here to allow the pedals to be adjusted fore-aft.

If not, it's pretty easy to make a jig, drill new holes along the longeron and center support angle to position the pedals where you like. Oh, and don't forget to make new rudder cable links.

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A friend fabricated an extension that would clamp securely to the rudder pedal and had a hinged portion that snapped over the brake pedal portion, was relatively easy to remove as needed. This made the RV-6 usable to both him and his shorter wife (who flew aerobatics in the plane)
Wow. I’d like to see a picture of that if you think you can get one!

I do not have Ralph's friend method just the plan method shown below.


Blown up view.


You can make out the additional hole just aft of the left and center blocks. This is the adjustments available via plans. I'm set up for the middle set. I can move 1" forward or aft. *Nevermind the hoses. This was during mockup for hose measuring.

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MI can't see the photos either. The OP saw them because the poster was still online and logged into google photo. He must set permissions to "anyone who has the link" for that album and then we can see them.

No Brian, it is not google strikes again:D
MI can't see the photos either. The OP saw them because the poster was still online and logged into google photo. He must set permissions to "anyone who has the link" for that album and then we can see them.

No Brian, it is not google strikes again:D

Nope. Not the case. I have everything set to share with public. Always have. This is the first time someone has said they haven't seen the images I posted. I see them on my phone, laptop, work computer and so does my non-pilot co-worker (I asked him to look), logged in or not. Do not know what the issue may be.

I stand corrected. Looks like Google photos has recently reset or turned off the sharing on ALL my albums. I have had to go thru each one to reset to share them. It wasn't this way a few weeks ago I swear! Let me know if you all can see them now. Thanks- Carlos
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