Jim P

Well Known Member
Anyone know the working pressure of our brakes? How much pressure are the lines under when standing on the brakes?

-7 Fuselage Stuff

....on how little runway is remaining... :D

(Sorry, couldn't resist! Good question - I'd like ot know the answer myself!)

Hard to answer exactly

I'd wager it's somewhere between zero and 2000psi.... :D

Seriously, master cylinder piston size, pedal lever ratio and pucker factor, per Ironflight, all factor into the brake system pressure.

An example would be for a 5/8" piston with a 3:1 pedal leverage and a 200lb man (100 lb per pedal) lifting himself out of the seat. This equates to aproximately 1000 psi. I don't have the dimensions for an RV at hand, so YMMV
Brake Line Pressure

I suppose I could go through all the math, or one the other hand, probably break out the specs on the brakes and see what they say.
