
Well Known Member
I want to avoid the stainless vs. plastic lines debate, but if one were to go with plastic lines, what sort of fitting is needed to connect the firewall-mounted AN4 flare fittings to the plastic lines? I'm not sure I saw anything in the bazillion bags of hardware that would work.

Also, the plans picture a much thicker line going from these fittings to the master cylinder, and I didn't see this anywhere in the kit...so is it accepted practice to use the same plastic tubing that's used from the reservoir to the master cylinder?
The kit provides plastic to go from the reservior to the pass. Master cyl. Then to the pilot masters. There are stainless braided to go from the pilot master to the firewall.
The kit provides plastic to go from the reservior to the pass. Master cyl. Then to the pilot masters. There are stainless braided to go from the pilot master to the firewall.
Are the braided lines possibly included in the FWF kit? There are two lines that appear to be the right length, but not labeled.
Doug, I hope my memory serves me correctly but I think they came in the fuse kit.
Thanks, Mark. I'll wade into the dark recesses of the parts warehouse (aka spare bedroom) and see if they're in a corner somewhere. If not, totally my fault for not catching it when I did inventory several moon cycles ago.