
Well Known Member
It seems that the standard packaging for Aviation brake fluid is a can that need to have a hole punched in it. Of course, one could just punch a hole with an old style "church key" (but the cans don't really have a lip around the edge) or some other sharp tool.

It seems that these cans are designed to use the old style pour spouts that push into the can - remember the old days when oil was sold in cans and not in plastic bottles with twist off caps. The problem is that since oil is no longer sold in cans, the push in pour spouts are also not available (at least I have found one in any of the local auto parts places).

So what do "the pro's" use to open these cans?
I opened the can with a 'church key' and
poured the whole quart into a plastic bottle
I stole out of my wife's kitchen.
I have been using fluid from that bottle for
four years.

Use a NAIL............. then leave the nail in the holes (you need two, 180 apart) when done. Clean the top and seal with electric tape.