
Well Known Member
Has anyone used braided fule lines for the F-1259H Fuel return line and the F-129F fuel line into the legacy RV-12 fuel tank My thought was to plumb the two lines with short lengths of stainless steel braided line and connect the braided line and rigid fule line over an access/inspection hole.

I believe this will make getting the tank in and out easier as you will not have to use a crow's foot to loosen both lines.

Any thoughts?
Not a bad idea. I hate messing with that bottom connection. It’s never leaked and I don’t want to start one.
problem and solution

I'm not in the 12 camp with my RV-6 but I have all SS braided Teflon lined fuel lines to and from the tanks, valve, engine and anywhere else lines are needed.
Yes they make everything easier.
done problem solved
I don't know if the OP plans to , but if so, making this seemingly simple change would disqualify the aircraft from being certify as an E-LSA RV-12. It could be done after certification if desired.
Scott, couldn’t they solicit permission from Vans to make this change and still be licensed ELSA if it’s approved?
Scott, couldn’t they solicit permission from Vans to make this change and still be licensed ELSA if it’s approved?

Possible, but unlikely. Never hurts to ask though. Just send an email to support. I got approval for re-powder coating the gear legs - not a big deal, but just wanted to confirm. When I asked about installing a zirc fitting on the front gear, they said they could not approve that. I also asked about having Stein add LEMO headset connectors and that was denied as well.
It is true that deviations can be made on an E-LSA build if approval is received from the manufacturer.

I hope this isn't taken the wrong way, but we are in the business of selling a kit version of a certified aircraft, not a design it yourself kit aircraft.
Make an approval for a change requires a bit more than just writing a reply e-mail with a statement of "Sure, we are ok with that".
So hopefully it is understood that company resources would be spent doing approvals of all the random changes that people wish to make.
Scott----that is a great point to make. One that probably isnt understood by the general builder. I would assume that if you were to make a change in a kit, for instance like the op's question here, would Vans have to take that section back to the FAA to show them that it did still comply with the original kit approval?
