
Well Known Member
Repost, can mods delete post in test forum.

I just wanted to let everyone in the NC area know the BQ1 is open for takeout. Throw a couple of chairs in your aircraft and head over for lunch. Eat under or over the wing! They need the business, I will probably head over tomorrow or Sunday.
That is a short local flight for me.

Could pickup an order, fly home, and eat for several days.
It was a nice day today. 15 aircraft there at one point and a great crowd drove in. Some great Harleys!
Great picnic on the airport today! Best BBQ around.Sorry I missed you least you got to meet JB at 14 A.
Covid 19

It was a nice day today. 15 aircraft there at one point and a great crowd drove in. Some great Harleys!

Am I missing something here. The PicNPig BBQ is at the Gilliam-McConnell Airfield in North Carolina. My understanding is that Gov Roy Cooper of NC officially ordered residents on March 30, 2020, to stay at home because of the rapid spread of Covid 19. He stated: ?Even if you don?t think you have to worry about yourself, consider our nurses, doctors, custodial staff and other hospital workers who will be stretched beyond their capacity if we are unable to slow the spread of this disease?.

Meanwhile as of today the USA has 337,000 official cases of Covid 19 which is much more than the next worst 2 countries in the world combined (Italy and Spain). In New York alone the death toll has soared passed 4000 and the country?s top medical officer, Surgeon General Jerome Adams, has warned that Americans were facing their ?Pearl Harbour moment?.

As I I missing something here.
I wish you had texted me George, I didn't check VAF until now.

Busy day working on Nora's RV, the kind I pull to OSH every year so she is comfortable "camping" for the week.

Sounds like you had a good time!
Am I missing something here. The PicNPig BBQ is at the Gilliam-McConnell Airfield in North Carolina. My understanding is that Gov Roy Cooper of NC officially ordered residents on March 30, 2020, to stay at home because of the rapid spread of Covid 19. He stated: ?Even if you don?t think you have to worry about yourself, consider our nurses, doctors, custodial staff and other hospital workers who will be stretched beyond their capacity if we are unable to slow the spread of this disease?.

Meanwhile as of today the USA has 337,000 official cases of Covid 19 which is much more than the next worst 2 countries in the world combined (Italy and Spain). In New York alone the death toll has soared passed 4000 and the country?s top medical officer, Surgeon General Jerome Adams, has warned that Americans were facing their ?Pearl Harbour moment?.

As I I missing something here.

It?s takeout only and everyone driving or flying in eats picnic style with their family members sitting in the grass or in the back of pickups. Aircraft owners were sitting with their aircraft. They have a system set up for ordering and pickup maintaining distance.
It?s takeout only and everyone driving or flying in eats picnic style with their family members sitting in the grass or in the back of pickups. Aircraft owners were sitting with their aircraft. They have a system set up for ordering and pickup maintaining distance.

On March 30 Gov Roy Cooper signed an Executive Order directing North Carolinians to stay at home for a month. It prohibits the leaving of home except for essential activities. Essential activities are specifically defined as purchasing food and supplies, going to work if the job is considered essential, and getting exercise (while practicing social distancing). Essential activities do not include flying to a lunch venue where dozens of other people are gathered. The United States now has the worst Covid 19 problem in the world and everyone now needs to decide whether they?re part of the solution or part of the problem.
On March 30 Gov Roy Cooper signed an Executive Order directing North Carolinians to stay at home for a month. It prohibits the leaving of home except for essential activities. Essential activities are specifically defined as purchasing food and supplies, going to work if the job is considered essential, and getting exercise (while practicing social distancing). Essential activities do not include flying to a lunch venue where dozens of other people are gathered. The United States now has the worst Covid 19 problem in the world and everyone now needs to decide whether they?re part of the solution or part of the problem.

It's an airfield. Pretty easy to socially distance a few dozen people. A lot easier than at the grocery store or local take-out sandwich shop, which are perfectly acceptable locations per the law. As to flying, what does it matter if you fly or drive to lunch?
It's an airfield. Pretty easy to socially distance a few dozen people. A lot easier than at the grocery store or local take-out sandwich shop, which are perfectly acceptable locations per the law. As to flying, what does it matter if you fly or drive to lunch?

It doesn?t matter how you rationalise it....these people are breaching a law enacted to protect the general population from a very serious disease...and for their own selfish personal satisfaction. It might be time for them to reconsider the famous words of JFK in his inaugural speech: ? Ask not what your country can do for you ? ask what you can do for your country?.
Well, just call me incorrigible then!

It does seem to me that the moderators are allowing the Good Captain to repetitively Hi-Jack this friendly thread with his own misguided Social? agenda. In the East we are being directed to "Social Distance" not lay down, give up or cower in our homes only to be afraid of both this Dreadful Disease as well as the people that often misinterpret the meaning of those well intended Emergency Declarations. Get outside, Breathe in deeply, get exercise, get healthy for Gods Sake and your Own sake too. Use your own common sense! If you are still sharp enough to build and/or fly an airplane you are probably sharp enough to avoid those with poor hygiene practices and you can still follow legitimate medical advise. Its going to be a great life if you don't weaken, don't give up! My 2 cents, now back to the bunker and wait for the "Incoming"... Ed:eek:
It doesn?t matter how you rationalise it....these people are breaching a law enacted to protect the general population from a very serious disease...and for their own selfish personal satisfaction.

So, let's get a few thing set straight.
- You do not live here and this is not Australia.
- You do not understand the laws and the executive orders issued under those laws in relation to the virus.
- GA flying is absolutely allowed in North Carolina, provided you follow the conditions of the executive order. This is easy to do.
- Going to a restaurant to pickup a takeout order is absolutely allowed.

BQ1 is still serving food and I encourage everyone interested to fly-in a get some good bar-b-que. We went there during a windy day, so we drove the hour+ there. It's worth the drive (or flight).

It does seem to me that the moderators are allowing the Good Captain to repetitively Hi-Jack this friendly thread...

It sure would be good if something was done about Captain As.
So, let's get a few thing set straight.
- You do not live here and this is not Australia.
- You do not understand the laws and the executive orders issued under those laws in relation to the virus.

It sure would be good if something was done about Captain As.

I really enjoy flying because while you may miss out on the fine detail it gives you the big gives you the overview...the lay of the land. So let me give you the big picture from my external perspective.

The United States now has the world?s highest Coronavirus death toll, passing Italy last Saturday. The country has more than half a million confirmed infections and has recorded more than 20,000 deaths. In New York they?re now burying people in mass graves. I?m sorry if the truth upsets you but they?re the indisputable facts.

I?m not going to speculate here on why the United States now finds itself in such a unique and appalling situation compared to the rest of the world but after reading this thread it will be obvious to many where much of the problem lies.

As to having me censored...for goodness sake ?man up? and stop squealing to the referee. This is a global forum and all of my comments have been factual and polite.

Ultimately I would like to think that any discussion on the value of citizens putting national interest ahead of personal liberties in the context of this global pandemic has social value and might give pause for reflection.

This will be my last post on this topic. I thank those people who sent me supportive private messages.

If the moderators feel that the thread has run its course then they can now close it down.

Good luck everybody and keep safe.