
Well Known Member
Margie and I drove to Tulsa this week to pick up our Superior IO-360-X engine from BPE. We were able to witness the final part of the engine install on the dyno and the first start.

In this image, the cooling cover is about to be installed over the engine. It is vented outside as is exhaust. The engine is connected to a hydraulic pump (water) that circulates through an outside cooling tower as the fluid gets quite warm during the test. A computer monitors and records data from numerous pick ups on the engine.

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This image is from inside the control booth where the operation is monitored. The engine has just been started and the right upper red numbers reflect oil pressure and temperature. The booth is isolated from the engine room which is closed for safety.

This is the left side of the booth showing the computer monitor. The computer has been initialized to reflect this particular engine and will record data every minute of the run which is about 1.5 hours.

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This is Bill pointing to something on the monitor as the engine is warming up. We did not hang out for the entire run but went for a walk in Tulsa Zoo which is near by. :)

When we returned about an hour and a half later the run was finished. As Allen commented, the engine came in "strong" at 187 HP. While it cooled down, we went for lunch at Evelyn's on the Tulsa Airport. Had a great conversation about gardening of all things - Margie is a master gardener and Rhonda and Allen are avid gardeners with their respective families. (for those who do not know them, they are brother and sister operating BPE founded some time back by their Dad, Monty) When we returned from lunch, the guys had the engine off the dyno and almost ready to load into our SUV.

Rhonda, Allen, Jay, Bill, Jeremiah and a lady in the office (Jen?) are all very hospitable. My wife Margie, who knows nothing about engines, came away impressed and amazed at what goes on with this company. BPE is very busy with a wide range of engines including radials.
It was an interesting day including the walk through a nearly empty zoo. We had the rhinos, monkeys and a tiger all to our selves. :)

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You went to Barret's and didn't post a picture of Rhonda?? For shame!;) Sorry Allen, I already have enough pictures of you!:p
BPE is a cool place!

We went out to BPE last August for my engine build with Allen - great place, friendly folks, and great beer! Everything is done to exacting standards. But alas, the only picture I have with Rhonda in it, is with her bringing in the box of donuts for breakfast!!:D