
Well Known Member
I know most of you use Imageshack to host your pics posted to this site but man that company is killing us with pop-ups, adds etc. really bad when someone uses a thumbnail. Their servers are also sometimes really slow at serving the files.

I use and have never seen an add or popup when using this to host images posted here. It is always quick to load as well. The user interface is as easy as they come too.
No problem

I've never had a popup from Imageshack. My FireFox popup blocker stops every single one of them!

I know most of you use Imageshack to host your pics posted to this site but man that company is killing us with pop-ups, adds etc. really bad when someone uses a thumbnail. Their servers are also sometimes really slow at serving the files.

I agree!! I hate it when I want to look at a picture... and it is on Imageshack. There are many times where I'll just say... "oh, Imageshack... never-mind". And while I agree that Firefox may have better pop-up blockers... many folks are looking at this on IT-controlled computers and can't add Firefox or adjust settings. (now... I'm not saying that folks are surfing at work or anything... its just what I've heard... Yeah... that's it... what I've heard.) :eek:

There are so many other/better picture hosting sites...

I also avoid ImageShack, and won't even bother to expand photos that are hosted there. I use SmugMug. It's not free, but it is inexpensive and has great features. They do a great job printing photos, etc. You can post unlimited photos at original size for about $45/year.

Personally, I think Flickr.Com is the best one. Free if you want, or $25/year for a ton of amazing additional features. No pop-ups, super clean interface, etc.

I know most of you use Imageshack to host your pics posted to this site but man that company is killing us with pop-ups, adds etc. really bad when someone uses a thumbnail. Their servers are also sometimes really slow at serving the files.

I use and have never seen an add or popup when using this to host images posted here. It is always quick to load as well. The user interface is as easy as they come too.

Dude you are preaching to the choir as far as I am concerned. I have been saying the same thing for years.

As to Firefox, it is the only way to go IMHO. When I used IE, I had to run SPYBOT after every single time I looked at an Imageshack photo------and always found at least one bit of spyware that it loaded. Not so with Firefox.

I also am a supporter of "all you can upload", free, and not too hard to figure out.

One other real gem I have found is Trend Micro------their anticrap software is sweet.

I switched to Picassa a year or so ago, and won't go back to me some really nice tools on the computer, and super easy on line hosting. Yeah, they're probably stealing me blind in the background or something ;), but I tired of being a computer geek a few years back, and now go with whatever is easiest.....

Personally, I think Flickr.Com is the best one. Free if you want, or $25/year for a ton of amazing additional features. No pop-ups, super clean interface, etc.


Hey Mike,
I like the looks of Flikr, but can't figure out how to insert a photo from there to here on this web, or even a link.
any help?
On the other hand. Most internet providers allow some amount of online storage which can be used for serving files. My Comcast account comes with two gigs of space. It becomes a matter of uploading files and knowing your address to post an image image. It's a very clean way to post images as there are no pop ups involved ever.


Since I keep a copy of all of my images on my laptop it's easy to look up and post a blast from the past.
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