Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Paul and I are up in Big Bear this week and early next week with the Valkyrie (RV-8) and would love to see friends up here. (Hard to pry us out of our cozy mountain cabin for trips down the Hill!) Let's plan a Boxing Day brunch and meet on the ramp at 11 am on Monday December 26th. If you can't make the brunch but might be up here another day (today through Thursday or, maybe, Tuesday or Wednesday of next week), drop us PM or email and maybe we can meet over at the airport. It is gorgeous (and cold) this week! (See photo at http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=80196.)

So Cal weather is looking great and we have about a dozen folks planning on joining us. Plenty of room for more! We'll be on the ramp a little before 11 am. Merry Christmas!
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Always a day late and a dollar short!

or in this case a "lunch" short...

Flew in the 26th, but landed in F70 about 3pm on the 26th. :(
