
Well Known Member
I've installed the bottom skins on the left wing. All three skins went on very smoothly with no problems. I flipped the wing to attach the part of the bottom skins that wrap around the L.E. to the top and the skins don't wrap around the wing L.E. far enough for the holes to line up - it seems to be about a hole diameter or so short. All three skins are the same. I might be able to put enough pressure on the L.E. to get it done but it'll probably take a ratchet strap to draw it in and that just doesn't seem right. As best as I can tell everything seems to be installed correctly.

So, is this normal? Is there something I'm missing?
Clecos don't bring them in? Does your fluting seem right? Rib flanges 90 degrees?
If you cleco starting along the leading edge and gradually work back, the holes should line up by the time you get to the end of the skin. A ratchet strap should help. The first couple of rows along the leading edge were the toughest.
The holes aren't even close enough to get clecos in. I could probably get them in if I used an awl to lever the skins to the rib holes but that's going to distort the holes.

Fluting looks good. I think the flanges and angle brackets must be good otherwise I would have has an issue when I attached the skins to the bottom of the wing. That's what baffles me - the bottom attachment went exactly as it should have - everything lined up perfectly. I expected the same for the top but didn't happen.
As I recall, it took a fair bit of hand pressure on the front edge of the skin to get the first holes to line up enough to get some clecos into the ribs. It was easier after that. Maybe try the ratchet straps?
It took me some muscle. Have someone hold the wing so it doesn't fall off the table. I started at the second rib in from the end of one of the skins. Lay your palm flat on the leading edge and while holding the spar, slide your hand tightly upward/rearward. This should bring the first hole in the skin close enough to the first hole in the rib. The cleco may go in a little crooked, but it should pull itself straight. Wipe off the sweat and move to the next hole. YMMV.
If you cleco starting along the leading edge and gradually work back, the holes should line up by the time you get to the end of the skin. A ratchet strap should help. The first couple of rows along the leading edge were the toughest.
I can give that a try but it'll take a strap to get even the first holes started. I was hesitant to do that because it stresses the attachment right from the get go.
I can give that a try but it'll take a strap to get even the first holes started. I was hesitant to do that because it stresses the attachment right from the get go.

Jorge has it right. That's what I did. Keep at it ... it will eventually come together.:)
So it sounds like mine may not be unique and those first holes are just going to be difficult. I'll try the suggestions in the morning. Amazed I got so many responses so quickly this late - thanks.
I just did mine two weeks ago. Had the same issue. Thought that there was no way to make the holes align. Look for a hole near the leading edge that is close and work it as the guys suggest. Once you get a few clecos in then it starts to align better and better. As suggested it takes some effort but just be persistent and it will come out great
I used some string to "lace" the wing skins in a little at a time until I could start the clecos. I also use an awl to center everything up.
I ended up using two ratchet straps to draw each of the three skins, one at a time, around the nose. Turned out to be a snap that way and actually required relatively little pressure from the straps. It was all a matter of leverage. Worked great and very easily.
I have done a search but no luck.
Anyone got a photo of the ratchet straps being used?
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I have done a search but no luck.
Anyone got a photoof the ratchet straps being used?
Sorry, I didn't take any pictures. I basically just took one of the three sections at a time. I wrapped two ratchet straps all the way around the wing from the nose to the rear spar. I didn't want to take a chance of deforming the rear spar in the process so I clecoed the top rear skin in the section I was working on. That's probably not necessary because it really took a surprisingly small amount of ratcheting to get everything lined up correctly. I did put a couple of smooth 2x4s under the hook and ratchet mechanism to keep them off the skin amd marring it.

It's actually harder to describe that it was to do ...
I used an awl in the second hole back from the leading edge to leverage the skin enough to get a Cleco in each of the first holes. Didn't take much effort. Don't remember any hole distortion. It was smooth sailing after that. No ratchet needed for me.
