HAL Pilot

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Aloha All


PG 21-10 Rev 1 Step 3 Last Par.

Rivet the bottom and nose skins only to the spar using rivets called out on Page 21-11, Figure 3. Rivet every 10th hole, then randomly rivet the remaining holes.

Looking at the Bucking bars I have none are quite optimum for where the FL 105 ribs meet the spar. The long specialty Bucking bar used on the Emp kit looks like it will work on all the rivets except these where the flange of the rib makes it kind of tight.

Wondering what you folks used.

Small hands

I just reached in with my hands holding a small rectangular tungsten bucking bar. I taped all the sides except the exposed portion to rivet upon and set it on the spar while it sat vertically. Placed a little pressure on the back side of the tungsten and hit the rivet. A pain in the butt, but doable.
I just reached in with my hands holding a small rectangular tungsten bucking bar. I taped all the sides except the exposed portion to rivet upon and set it on the spar while it sat vertically. Placed a little pressure on the back side of the tungsten and hit the rivet. A pain in the butt, but doable.

I just did this today on my -10 flaps. Used the rectangular W bucking bar. Wasn't really a problem. Per my usual procedure, I wrapped several o-rings around the bar to cushion it against hitting the skins and spar too hard if I got it out of line.

I had no problems.
Hey All thanks for the responses.

I ended up shaving off about an eight of an inch off of the corners on the narrow end of the special bucking bar and it worked like a charm. Didn't have to reach in and try to hold a bucking bar in a tight space and cramp up.