Crafting N112DR

Well Known Member
Got some more differances I wanted to share on the old fuselage and the new iS Fuselage. Thought it might be interesting for some to see, that are going to build the new iS, or those who have built the old kit and have not seen the new kit. This view is from the bottom. You can see the difference in the position of the access ports and the location.

It appears the inspection panels in the bottom skin for adjusting the stab cables are not present in the iS.

Apparently the turnbuckles are in the tailcone or somewhere easier to access?
For those of us fortunate to have not yet built our tail cones and are planning on pursuing the iS option, are modifications to the non iS tail cone skin required? If so, can I assume they are more easily addressed before installation? And if so, are those mods available?
For those of us fortunate to have not yet built our tail cones and are planning on pursuing the iS option, are modifications to the non iS tail cone skin required? If so, can I assume they are more easily addressed before installation? And if so, are those mods available?

There is a minor modification that will have to be done to add an inspection cover to the fwd left side of the belly skin on the tail cone.

There is details and a template in the iS finish kit plans for making the change to kits that were delivered prior to the kit parts being updated.

It is simple to complete so doing it prior to building the tail cone would not be any benefit.
Wow - thanks for the almost instantaneous response, Scott. I'll let you know if our definitions of "simple" are aligned :)
So Scott your suggesting that I cancel my F-01282-L-1 skin (have it coming with the iS finishing kit) with the hole and just go with the finishing kit. Because I took a WAG as to whether I would have do surgery and swap out the old with the new skin in the tail, and that’s a bunch of work that would save me.
So Scott your suggesting that I cancel my F-01282-L-1 skin (have it coming with the iS finishing kit) with the hole and just go with the finishing kit.

Certainly not! My 401K needs all the help it can get.;)

But, the finish kit was specifically developed knowing that there would be a lot of people that would have to adapt.
The plans include a paper template for marking the location of the opening that then has to be cut out with hand snips and finish the edge, but it is not difficult (the skin is thin). Then the cover plate is used as the drill template for the screw holes
Thanks Scott for that info. I’m going to cancel the F-01282-L-1 skin despite my love for your 401K, I’m sure I made it up by buying two fuselages and two finishing kits. you can now feel free to get that second pack of gum you have been wanting.
A quick question about the rivets at the aft end of the bottom skin. On page 21iS/U-22 those rivets are marked as DO NOT RIVET. In particular the center section of rivets that attach the skin to F-1206G-R/L. I see you have pulled those rivets, but I cannot find in the instructions where that should be done. Should they be done at the end of section 21iS?