
Well Known Member
Has anyone taken apart a bose-x headset module? (not sure if that's what you call it but the thing that turns it on/ has all the volume adjustments)? It looks like one of my good ol' AA's exploded in it and want to see if I can clean it up to make it work again.

I tried to take it apart but it looks like there are pins which need to either be pushed forward or inward to split the case. Before I break it, wanted to see if anyone has done it before.

Not sure how it comes apart. I hope someone chimes in here.
For next time, you might research the ENELOOP battery.
I have used them in the Bose for 6 years. They do not self discharge.
I get them online for about $2 each. Sanyo make them.
In fact, I use them in all AA and AAA applications around the house and hangar. They have proven themselves time and again.

"...They do not self discharge..."

Uh, yes they do. As a NiMH battery they just self discharge at a slower rate than a typical dry cell...
I had this same thing happen... Darned Duracells...

I don't recall how I took the unit apart, but it did come apart and did go back together. I used a solution of vinegar and water to neutralize the alkaline residue from the leaky battery, then flushed with distilled water and brushed well with an old tooth brush that I had carefully cleaned.

I've had several years of good service since this leaky Duracell incident. In fact my last set of batteries are dead right now so I'll replace them the next time I go to the airport. Will inspect the control unit and take corrective action if any corrosion is noted.
I took out the screws and retainer ring at the top of the unit (around the cord) but there seems to be something holding it together which I think are these tiny pins which are below the plastic in the battery well.

I'm afraid of just pulling it apart and the plastic cracking.

If I could get a used one on ebay cheap I would have done it already but they are selling for ridiculous prices (IMHO).
What brand are the batteries you used, most (Duracel and energizer at least) will cover damaged electronics.
so... i feel like a total knob.... I was telling my 6 yr old son about my dilemma and he took a look and noticed they are tiny Philip head screws.... :eek:wow, the power of some young eyes. Time to see the eye doctor before end of year...

Thanks for everyone's replies.... totally kicking my self for this one.

DOH! Now that you've mentioned it, those little Phillips-head screws popped back into my memory. Thanks for the (embarrassing) reminder!