Larry DeCamp

Well Known Member
My headset suppresses engine and other noise well as advertised. BUT, as temps rose this year and I oppend my RV10 vents, a consistent wind noise was introduced. Close the vent and it goes away. Before I consult Bose, are there any comments on this observation ?
Air blowing on the mike will break the squelch every time, a good foam "sock" on the mike will do wonders, as will re-directing the airflow.
You didnt say whether the noise is electronic or acoustic. If electronic, probably a squelch issue as suggested above. But if acoustic it may just be a function of the design, since the A20 electronics are aimed more at low frequency noise; high frequency noise such as wind noise not so much.
Thanks for good ideas

The mic sock is standard issue foam.

Air flow direction could be an issue to experiment with.

I wondered about frequency range issues. I will contact Bose on that one and report back if it will benefit anyone else.