Randy, There was just a big review on this subject a week ago. Go to the search box. Type in Vividia VA-400 Borescope review. Read all of that, and I think you'll be happy.:eek:
The software that they have you download has a correction for that....
Called Camera Fi.
I got mine (AbleScope), and ain't usin' no software from China. Even "protecting" that usb port. The resultant image is much better than anything I've tried for the price point. Of course we all want to take a look-see inside every time the plugs are out.
Coincidentally, mine was delivered today. Playing around with it at the kitchen table, I was impressed by the image quality.

My Chromebook and my Windows 10 notebook worked just fine with the camera, without the installation of any additional software.
1+ for the Vividia VA-400. I started years ago with one of the old straight pipe scopes, then bought the same dental camera Mike Busch is/was using, then got another scope recommended by this group. The Vividia is by far the best.
I hope no one comes along with a new greatest recommendation.
Got mine

I order mine from China thru eBay. It takes a while, 17 days, but it finally made it here. $99 good deal.
I got mine from Amazon with an Android tablet packaged for $270 I think. I only have Apple devices, so this package was a great deal with all necessary cords and a tablet with pre installed software. The quality is great, as others have said.
Thanks everyone. I searched for "boroscope" earlier, but I see that "borescope" is the common spelling. I am planning to order a Vividia VA-400 today. $100 is well within my budget.

I am used to being upside down and turn around, so I may not need any software correction.
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I bought an end scope at the E store that plugs into your phone for 12.00 it has six LED lights on it and smaller in diameter than a pencil, not as high quality as a commercial unit but pretty cool for 12.00 uses your smart phone as the color display and power source.