
Well Known Member
I shot some pics with the vividia borescope (new toy from OSH last year) during the condition inspection.

This is new technology for me; anyone have any thoughts on what I am looking at / how things look? These are all exhaust valve pics:

Cylinder 1

Cylinder 2

Cylinder 3

Cylinder 4

Cylinder 5

Cylinder 6

No issues with the engine, running great. Oil analysis and filter have been fine.
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FYI, I cannot see any of the pics, even when I sign into Google and try to open them in a new window.

Google Photos strikes again....

Google Photos won?t work for hosting pics here for this very reason.
google photos

Google Photos strikes again....

Google Photos won?t work for hosting pics here for this very reason.
I can't quite figure out why it works for some and not for others - very strange. I suspect you just need to set the permissions right.

Can you see this image?

Yep can see that image, bit hard to see the cylinder bore though with the cowl still on, just in case you wanna scope the engine also?...lololol:D
I can't quite figure out why it works for some and not for others - very strange. I suspect you just need to set the permissions right.

Can you see this image?


It is not permissions. It is how google photos randomly changes the links. I could see his pics earlier now they are gone. It happens all the time with folks that try to use Google Photos.

Your pic will also likely disappear at some point.
Hey, give this website a try when using google photos https://ctrlq.org/google/photos/?_ga=2.30743481.741702118.1555156693-1060643802.1555156693. You paste the google photo link and it does the following;

Embed Google Photos ? How it works?

When you share any single photo in Google Photos, it creates an unlisted link that is accessible to anyone including those who are not logged into their Google Accounts. Internally, the embed app downloads the page behind this link and extracts the Open Graph tags to determine the direct link of the image and the underlying photo album.
OK, how about now?

I still couldn't get flickr to upload some of the originals, it would take a couple, but most were just white screens. Maybe it doesn't like the .bmp files.

I converted .bmp to .jpg and uploaded to flickr, changed the links in the original post.

Can you guys see them now?
OK, how about now?

I still couldn't get flickr to upload some of the originals, it would take a couple, but most were just white screens. Maybe it doesn't like the .bmp files.

I converted .bmp to .jpg and uploaded to flickr, changed the links in the original post.

Can you guys see them now?

Yep, working now!
yes can see the images both the cylinders and the prop spinner here on the desk top signed into Google , Can not see the images on Samsung mobile and not signed into Google. :confused:
Hi Thomas
Returning to the subject (guess we?re all seeing your picts now), your exhaust valves look ok to me. Number 1 and 3 would be the ones I?d keep an eye on, comparing with next time inspection. Remember, burned pizzas are ok, green and/or eccentric is no good.

I?m doing borescope inspections over here as part of local TBO extension programs, so I?ve seen a few already :)
mmmh, cylinders #1 and #3 are the same pictures...

Yeah, my error ... I took a ton of pics while going through the cylinders, from back to front (5 - 3 - 1, 6 - 4 - 2) and they all have long computer generated .bmp names.

I tried to figure out which was which knowing the order I went and looking at file created times, but obviously I screwed that up. I need to figure out a better workflow for that.

In re: cylinders with irregularities as mentioned above - what are operational things can be done to preserve exhaust valve "health"?
I'm headed to the hangar now to work on the inspection more, will re-shoot pics so I have accurate data.

Thanks for pointing out the pic duplication!