
Well Known Member
I am very close to riveting on the boot cowl (forward top skin) I have had the skin off and on a couple times between initial fitting and dimpling. It seems starting at the top middle and working down to the sides and then working fore and aft makes the cleco process easier.

Should I use this same sequence to rivet on the skin? Just curious what has worked for other folks.

Any other suggestions for riveting on this skin would be appreciated. I already have identifed 4 locations for Cherry rivets, just can't get a bucking bar in there.

heck yes start from the middle and work to the edges, this was common for attaching skin panels at Mcdonnel douglas, if you start from the end each cleco give a little then when your to the other side you could have non matching holes on the end
Good plan


Your plan is a sound one and worked well for me. Go for it. I also had to use a few Cherrymax rivets in the gearbox area.

Dan Miller
RV-8 1100 hours of fun
Battle Ground, WA