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My "new to me" (coming up on a year new-to-me, anyway) RV-4/Lyc IO-360-B1B, has takeoff and landing checklist placards. Both call for the boost pump to be "ON" for takeoff and landing. A checklist I have from a Piper Arrow/IO-360 also calls for the "Fuel Pump" to be ON for takeoff and landing.

Ok, so far, so good. But...

I've been reading all those Pelican Perch articles on AvWeb, and the author John Deakins talks about the boost pump NOT being on for takeoff or landing, that it can flood the engine. I've never seen that happen, but what-the-heck anyway?

Which is correct, Boost Pump ON or OFF for takeoff and landing?
I received an answer: In general, Continental engines will flood if the boost pump is used. Lycomings need it on for takeoff and landing in case the mechanical fuel pump fails.

The author of those Pelican Perch articles is always using a Continental "flat six" as his baseline engine; I assume because that's what's in his Bonanza. He did not make this distinction between engine manufacturers as far as boost pump usage/need, hence my confusion.

Confusion cleared. Closing the thread.
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