
Well Known Member
A few pics from the RV Day at Boone 2009.

Weather was warm and sunny! Kate and I left early for Ames so I could drop her off with Nana for the day and I could meet up with -9A builder Dave Gribble to give him his first -9A flight.

Maybe Dave will post a Pirep here later, but I think he liked it. He has a nice Beech Skipper that he flew in with his daughter Jessica. Those pics are early in the set.


On to Boone!







Rest of the pics here.....
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What a fantastic day! Thanks to all those that attended Boone RV Day 2009 and thanks to Pete for starting this thread and the great pictures (especially the fine looking RV-8 firewall.)

Already looking forward to seeing everyone at next year's event...

RV-8 Fuselage
Boone & Ames, IA
Great RV day

Thanks SO much Pete for the ride in your 9A. I'm just about to order my finishing kit and had never flown in a 9A until today. All I can say is WOW! The plane is everything I am looking for: stable, responsive, fast, slow, powerful, loud, quiet..... just WOW!

I was blown away by the climb out (1500 fpm without trying.... 3-5x what I am used to, and believe me, I'm trying!) Also the speed and economy - I remember going something like 120 kts and seeing 4.2 gph.... what an amazing machine. The stalls were a total non-event, I kept expecting it to stall and actually DO something. Flying along with the stick full back and watching it mush down...what a well behaved bird. And your landing was incredible... I thought I gave you the plane too close and too high, but with a bit of a slip you nailed it.

Thanks again! It was the beginning of a great day! Jessica & I had a great time at Boone, saw lots of great RVs and got lots of good ideas and inspiration to finish our plane.

Finally, those pictures of us landing the Skipper are fantastic! I'm glad I didn't bounce it! I don't have in-air pics of me, and I'll really enjoy these.
I was told a total of 83 airplanes attended this years Boone RV Flyin. Weather was great, food was good, and everyone had a great time.

Too many gorgeous RV's to mention. Nice pics Pete!

The build shop they have there is really something to see and admire. If I counted right there are 8 RV's, and 1 Harmon Rocket at different stages of construction in the shop. What makes it unique is the number of planes being built under one roof, and several experienced tech advisors right there for builders to get you over any "humps". Cleveland Tool even had a display there.

Just a great RV'n kinda day.
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