Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
Last year there was a long thread on the best aviation books and I ordered two by Nevil Schute from It seemed like a normal transaction but every month or so I get a notices from Amazon the the delivery has been delayed and they want my approval of the delay. In the thread one fellow said he waited a year to receive a book for Amazon. Just a little piece of information if you are looking for one of these old great books.

Another thing that may be of interest - I retired from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2004 but I still get the monthly newsletter. Recently they told the readers that copies of a book written by a former Assistant Laboratory Director were available free by contacting a specific source. I did not know the author but I requested one. It came in the mail last week. It is "In High Regard" by Jack N. James. I am currently on page 84 and of this 661 page book and it is special. It is history told by a man that lived it at a very personal level. It includes the early flights to Mars. Anyway, the book was copy writen in 2006 by the Jack James Trust but there are no articles of publication so I am fairly sure that it is not commercially available. My copy was sent to me by his son Jack F. James who wrote the preface and a letter was enclosed in the package. It says:

Enclosed is a copy of my father's book, In High Regard. Thank you for your interest; I think you'll enjoy it.

If you would like additional copies, or anything else, feel free to contact me at the above address...

The address is:

Jack F. James
431 St. Julien Way
Mountain View, CA 94043-5413

I believe he will send you a copy if asked.

Bob Axsom
Capt. Jepp and the little Black Book - must read (IMHO)

A few weeks ago I was on my way out of town and wandered into the airport book store (Denver), where I found:
Capt Jepp
And the Little Black Book.
Great story about Elrey B. Jeppesen

Well worth the read, gives a great perspective of the evolution of Jeppesen business and the industry in general.

ISBN 13: 978-1-886028-83-8
ISBN-10: 1-866028-83-4

Dave Cordner
NEW SOURCE!!! (for me anyway)

I took my wife to the Walton Art Center here in NW Arkansas tonight (thanks for shopping at Wal-Mart) and we got there early so we went into this used book store to see if they had Nevil Shute's "Sliderule" or "Round the Bend". The clerk told me where to look in the stacks (it is a BIG used book store). Alas, he had neither. When I told him I had been waiting for 8 months for Amazon to deliver he said try, they will have them. They did and they will be here withing 5 to 14 days according to their operating policy.

Bob Axsom
I have found to be amazing. So many books you remember from childhood and younger days that you would like but are out of print and voila they are available somewhere in the world secondhand.
Other sites foe secondhand books

Others may be able to list other good sites I haven't found

By the way the Neville Shute books were all a bloody good read

Best Wishes