
Well Known Member
Here at Spruce Creek during annual Toy Parade (December) and Bonfire (January) Gaggle Flight always put up a big fly-by. On last Saturday we must had 40+ airplanes in the air at the same time. Before Gaggle launch, a TBM and P-51 made a few low passes. After the Gaggle fly-by, two Aerostars made a formation pass. RVs are well represented in the flight. I was part of a 14 ship Lakes Flight and was with the lead Aerostar. Here are a few photos to share. Most of the photos are taken by Gary Rosier .

TBM and P-51 positioned for the flight.

Pilot briefing:

Gaggle Flights on the runway (last 14 not shown):


Looks like a fun day. I love the Aerostars - what a great plane. Our company had one for about 10 years and it was very nice. The formation flying with the RV's was great too. Wish I was there!
Obsession P-51

Jeff M. (Obsession)is a good friend, and has a home here in NC with a few other cool rides in his stable. Obsession is a regular sight around home in the summer months. Wish I was down there now...brrr.
Ted I envy you. I need one more BFR. :D

This is our version of "sky clear vis unlimited". Unedited as it is :D