
Well Known Member
OK, so I finally goofed bigtime and it's probably going to cost a bit more than the previous.....let's just call it several. I'm in the process of getting into the wiring and while checking out the strobe power supply(which I'd done on a couple occasions previously) I managed to reverse the input voltage polarity and, you guessed it, it doesn't want to play anymore. What I'd like to know is if anyone is aware of a place to get it serviced or if I've got to bite the bullet and drop a bit under $400 to get a replacement. I went to the Whelan website but couldn't find any references for a phone number or even an email address to inquire about the possibility of a repair. Any suggestions? Thanx in advance.
Don't know how Whelen handles things, but if you have a problem with Aeroflash (regardless of the reason), they will send you a refurbished power supply for about $60.
Thanx, Mel. I found the email address to Whelan but it got bounced back. I'll call them tomorrow and if they want to stick it to me, I'll contact Aeroflash.
Wheelen has a great service department and they aren't real expensive. Look in the paperwork that came with the powerpace and you will find it. If you can't, get their phone number off of the internet and call. They are good folks.

Hey Glenn,
I did find the address in my documentation however, the email I sent got bounced back to me. I did talk with the service department today and it'll be on its way back tomorrow. And yes, it seems as the cost will be reasonable. Congrats on ordering the finishing kit. Lots of BIG parts! Storage will be the initial challenge. Met a bud of yours at work today. Sorry, can't recall his name(wasn't a cute chick!) but he said he'd had lunch with you just last week. TTYL
Hawkeye7A said:
OK, so I finally goofed bigtime and it's probably going to cost a bit more than the previous.....let's just call it several. I'm in the process of getting into the wiring and while checking out the strobe power supply(which I'd done on a couple occasions previously) I managed to reverse the input voltage polarity and, you guessed it, it doesn't want to play anymore. What I'd like to know is if anyone is aware of a place to get it serviced or if I've got to bite the bullet and drop a bit under $400 to get a replacement. I went to the Whelan website but couldn't find any references for a phone number or even an email address to inquire about the possibility of a repair. Any suggestions? Thanx in advance.

Its possible that the reverse polarity diode has gone short. You can test this with an ohms meter accross the +12v and Gnd wire that you applied the power onto.

Any tv/vcr or even a Auto repair shop should be able to test it for you.
If the diode is short , you could cut one leg off it, and it will work again but now it doesnt have an protection.

Are you able to take the cover off ? as it might have an internal fuse ?
I'll leave it to the pros

Yes, it looks like the cover would be easily removable and in a past life I was an electronic tech but being as this unit is new, I'd just as soon let Whelan take first crack at it. If I were to open it my warranty is void where if they fix it, it'll be zero-timed(so to speak). Thanx for the suggestion and I'll be willing to bet that Whelan fixes more of these for the same mistake I made than all the field "failures) combined. JMHO