Mike Ice

Well Known Member
I have finally replaced all of my original home made fuel and brake lines with ones made by Bonaco. I sure wish I would have gone this route from the beginning and would suggest it to any new builder.

Brett at Bonaco is great to work with but has never seen his product in action. I asked him the other day if he had ever been in an RV and he said no.

So, if you live in sunny California, near Upland and wouldn't mind, give him a call and show off your plane. His name is Brett Jarvis at Bonaco and his # is 909-985-3429.

I would do it myself but I live in Anchorage and it makes for a long week end flight.

Mike Ice
Ditto to the praise for Brett and Bonaco! Brett was great with me as well. Their brake and fuel lines are second to none and Brett is what makes the ordering process a great experience.

Great idea Mike! I am preparing for the First Flight TODAY for N16BL! Maybe when I burn off the first 40 hours I can cruise West from Georgia.
As we all know, Brett if top notch. S-U-R-E would be nice to get one of the California RVers to give him a demo ride. (hint, hint, hint) ;)
My project is located at Cable, in Upland. Brett has come over to my hangar to measure the lines I needed. Incredible service!

He can go for a ride with me... but I am still building. Just hung the engine last weekend. I am hoping to complete the project within the next year... or so.
For me to say that I am at a loss of words here...would be an understatement.

Being a frustrated pilot myself (no plane, no $$..LOL), working with the RV community and home builders in general has (at least for me) the highlight of my working day. So...to all of you who have let me live life thru your building and flying...to you I say "Thank You".

As to the kind remarks offered to me here "Thank you" yet again.

Warmest regards,


Bret hope to see some posted pictures of your first flight...:D
Banaco near the wheel

I am about to order my banaco brake line and also putting the gear on this weekend. Do you fellas get some banaco line down near the wheel to make the loop around the grear. If so how much so I dont end up interfering with the gear pants or having the AN fitting rub on the gear leg.

I am about to order my banaco brake line and also putting the gear on this weekend. Do you fellas get some banaco line down near the wheel to make the loop around the grear. If so how much so I dont end up interfering with the gear pants or having the AN fitting rub on the gear leg.



I have sent you an e-mail.
Nice meeting you, Brett.....thanks for the keychain, too.

The brake lines I've already installed fit and look great. I need to send off my order for fuel lines, next.


Thanks for attending the air show there at Arlington. I must say that those who ran the show were tot notch and I hope to be there again next year.

Oh yea.....Brain ..thanks for stopping by our booth as well ;)