To Whom it may concern:
Brett at Bonaco Performance Lines wanted me to inform the message board
that his computer crashed. Any customers that made orders in the last few days please call back with your orders. You can reach Brett at 909-985-3429

Thank you

PS Bonaco does very quality work

Orders that were made in the last week Not last few days
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It's all about customer service....

When's the last time a company actually reached out to you to let you know there MIGHT be a problem, before you found out yourself? I've said it before, I'll say it again. Brett is a pilot who understands how pilots think and feel. More importantly, he understands the long forgotten art of customer service.

By the way, a little birdie told me that Bonaco will be at the Golden West EAA Fly-In next week, AND at Oshkosh! That's a huge commitment for a small company. Keep up the great work, Brett!
Back Up..!!

To any and all Bonaco Customers.
As has been posted here I have had a problem with my computer, now while I do now have that corrected I still have the problem of corrupted data. Now you may well ask ?What dose this mean to me??, well the short of this is that orders that are pending I can not open to read.
Those that I have been able to salvage I have shipped out (even to the point of paying for the shipping out of my own pocket). If you have placed an order with me (ie. Bonaco) and have not either gotten your order, or a message from me (it?s hard to grovel in an e-mail) please let me know.

You can send an e-mail to [email protected] or my personal e-mail [email protected]. I shall do my best to respond to your questions in a prompt manner.
But please take note, I shall be at the Golden West EAA Regional June 5th to June 8th.

Now on the happier side.
I was able to ?play with? :D an RV-8 and shall post a picture of the end results.

Thank you one and all for your time and your support.