
Well Known Member
Surprise surprise, but I screwed up again :) On the horizontal stabilizer, I have some enlarged holes on the front inboard rib where it attaches to the front spar (the one that you have to trim to fit around the doublers HS-710 and 714). I'm debating what the best solution is. I could either drill out to #21 and use a couple of BSPQ-5-4's or use a couple of AN3 bolts. If I remember right, Dan C. used bolts. I don't have a way of driving AN5 rivets or I'd just do that.

Any help is appreciated.
I had a couple of holes there I didn't like, I drilled for and used AD5 rivets.
Shot them with a 3x gun, worked fine. Don't try to over drive them, they are so much larger than the AD4's they don't need a giant head. Secret here, do NOT let the spar/rib assy move at all when shooting these rivets, clamp it down good and use a very heavy bucking bar.