This should make the Sube crowd proud. Read below article, 2nd to last paragraph mentions Boeing putting a six cylinder Subaru into the UAV helo that the article is referring to.

I'm not sure if you're kidding? Proud? It crashed ! I had wrote in another thread enough money thrown at the problem could solve any issue. If Boeing under DOD money can't make a Subaru work, I take it back.
I think it unreasonable at this point to presume that the crash was caused by the Sube.

Pure engine or gearbox failure more likely would have resulted in autorotation.

Maybe we should point boeing to a couple of threads here where they can find out that...

A sube can't possibly ever work

Flying a Sube will get a lawyer on your butt

Any one in management who considers a Sube is [ed. this word removed by DR].

But then again Boeing history is replete with dumb ideas like the 727, 747, B17 aren't they?
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I will be the first to lay money it was not an engine failure. The project is interesting to me anyway in that a real DARPA funded operation chose, of all things, a Subaru and Boeing did not go out and immediately replace it with some traditional aviation powerplant.

This could some day be the beginning of the breakthrough we all need for a truly modern light GA powerplant. A little DARPA money(in their terms) and a lot of Boeing knowhow could EASILY sort out the challenges all the SUBIE people live with and simply do not have the resources to overcome.

At least we can dream......
I don't know. Somehow I find it highly unlikely that Boeing would go ahead further using a powerplant that is totally unsupported by the manufacturer for it's use in an aircraft. But who knows, maybe Subaru see some potential in UAV, so it's not totally unsupported?
I'm not sure if you're kidding? Proud? It crashed !

Whoah! I never said, nor did the article say, that the one that crashed even had a Sube in it or that the crash was engine related. If you read the other articles linked to the one I posted, it looks like they've been flying those UAV's with turbines, not Subes.
I think it unreasonable at this point to presume that the crash was caused by the Sube.

Pure engine or gearbox failure more likely would have resulted in autorotation.

Maybe we should point boeing to a couple of threads here where they can find out that...

A sube can't possibly ever work

Flying a Sube will get a lawyer on your butt

Any one in management who considers a Sube is [ed. this word removed by DR].

But then again Boeing history is replete with dumb ideas like the 727, 747, B17 aren't they?

It's a lively discussion when moderators are moderating moderators! Got to love it!

Hey guys......What do you call a Marine fighter pilot with an IQ of 160?????
Whoah! I never said, nor did the article say, that the one that crashed even had a Sube in it or that the crash was engine related. If you read the other articles linked to the one I posted, it looks like they've been flying those UAV's with turbines, not Subes.

The first A160 had a four cylinder Subaru engine which was upgraded to a 6 cylinder in another A160 with it's first flight Nov 30, 2005. The operational version, a A160T, has a turbine engine and first flew June 15th this year. It was a A160T that crashed on Monday.

A helicopter hovering in ground effect is the closest thing to a dyno you are going to get. Think about it.
I agree with that, the way things are right now. Hopefully someday someone will dyno something to give a base.

It just seems like you're on a mission. I understand the want/need/desire to get a Subie dyno'd...I think EVERYONE would LOVE to see that, but my gosh, it isn't going to help by constantly badgering.
Dyno, Baby!

Actually, I think it will. And now that you brought it up........anybody got a Subie they want to dyno! It will be my Christmas present to the homebuilding community!
How about a Crossflow

Actually, I think it will. And now that you brought it up........anybody got a Subie they want to dyno! It will be my Christmas present to the homebuilding community!

My neighbor at Stellar has his NIB Crossflow, turbocharged engine ready to go. I don't think he wants to run it though as he is continuing to try to sell it. I'm trying to convince him to mount it on Golf Cart for and airport car. That way when the PRSU blows up he can just pull over the side and push it home.

Come Chad, lighten up. Yukon, like me, is just trying save lives. Maybe we could get nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for our Humanatarian efforts.

Watch for the new book coming out soon, "An Inconvenient Subaru."
My neighbor at Stellar has his NIB Crossflow, turbocharged engine ready to go. I don't think he wants to run it though as he is continuing to try to sell it. I'm trying to convince him to mount it on Golf Cart for and airport car. That way when the PRSU blows up he can just pull over the side and push it home.

Come Chad, lighten up. Yukon, like me, is just trying save lives. Maybe we could get nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for our Humanatarian efforts.

Watch for the new book coming out soon, "An Inconvenient Subaru."

Hey, saving lives is a great thing! Keep it up! Who knows, you may have saved mine! :D

I'd like to see a dyno as bad as the next guy! Crossflow, Egg, NSI, Maxwell, someone?

Might need to check with Gore on your book title though...:cool::D
Turbine? Ah Ha!

The first A160 had a four cylinder Subaru engine which was upgraded to a 6 cylinder in another A160 with it's first flight Nov 30, 2005. The operational version, a A160T, has a turbine engine and first flew June 15th this year. It was a A160T that crashed on Monday.

Well that sorts it out: it probably ran out of fuel.
Wanna pull the firewall off your RV?

Here are a few dyno pull vids dedicated to those who don't like "wimpy" crankshafts:

These get progressively more stupid.

Now you know why I'm such a happy guy. Gotta love turbos!:):cool:

Don't those sound purty? Turn it up and enjoy.
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It's a lively discussion when moderators are moderating moderators! Got to love it!

Just proves the rules of decorum apply to everybody although some are more flagrant and frequent violaters than others.

Hey guys......What do you call a Marine fighter pilot with an IQ of 160?????

I would call him an intelligent patriot who is almost as smart as me.
Maybe we could get nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for our Humanatarian efforts.

Watch for the new book coming out soon, "An Inconvenient Subaru."

I would say based on apparent selection criteria for the award there is an excvellent chance you will be selected.
Maybe we could get nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for our Humanatarian efforts.

Watch for the new book coming out soon, "An Inconvenient Subaru."

I would say based on apparent selection criteria for the award there is an excvellent chance you will be selected.:D