Simon Hitchen

Well Known Member
Just read Bob Collins article in Kitplanes and wanted to post a comment. Bob wrote an excellent article about the building process and the emotional connection it can create.

If you're reading this Bob, well done. You're obviously a very talented writer, I found the article quite moving.

This business is indeed much more than racing to get an aircraft into the air, you put it across brilliantly.

Mega Dittos

Very touching, I hope to use the spirit of Bob's article to maintain the proper attitude throughout.
Thank you both. You're very kind. It's a variation on an old theme: To thine own self... That's a very hard thing to do (ask me how I know)

The diversity of RV builders is astounding -- not just in their backgrounds but in their approaches to building, the way they finance it, the way they balance various things. Only one method is the right way to do it -- the one that best fits the individual whose project it is.

You can get "keep up with the Joneses" REALLY easy in this endeavor.

BTW, now that I've rejiggered things at work (new job duties, more time to write and talk to people and less time for office b.s.), I've found more time to write innon-job (like RV) stuff do. I also realized how hard it is to filter through all the RV-related (and non RV-related) stuff when you don't pay attention on a daily basis. So this weekend I banged out an RV Builder's Hotline just to see if I still could and I've been cranking out Letters From Flyover Country on a more regular basis. You can find it here. Probably not much new for the hard-core faithful, tho.

Just read Bob Collins article in Kitplanes and wanted to post a comment. Bob wrote an excellent article about the building process and the emotional connection it can create.

If you're reading this Bob, well done. You're obviously a very talented writer, I found the article quite moving.

This business is indeed much more than racing to get an aircraft into the air, you put it across brilliantly.



Too Bad; I never got my June issue.

I've been a subscriber from the begining. (1984).