
Well Known Member
I am sorry to report that I just received the following email from Mike Thompson of Sport Air Racing League:


I am sad to inform you all that Bob Axsom, Race 71 was found dead in his home in Farmington, AR this morning.

I received an email from his friend Charlie Heathco, and we then talked on the phone.

Charlie was checking on Bob after having not heard from him and not having his calls answered... and a neighbor told him the news.

The authorities in his home town are trying to contact a son Bob had from a previous marriage.

Bob was an inspiration us all, and to many RV builders and pilots who do not race. He was constantly chasing perfection, even as it bobbed and weaved elusively - but that didn't stop his pursuit.

Bob was to be inducted into the Sport Air Racing Hall Of Fame at the Rocket Race for this very reason, among others.

He gave race briefers fits, but only as part of the chase.

Bob was a reclusive fellow - but I still counted him a friend, and will miss him.

Bob Axsom, Gone West, 29 October, 2013.

- Mike
I am really sad to hear this. What a loss of such a great person who loved & lived flying. I met Bob for the first time last May at our fly-in & air race.
He will certainly be missed. My sympathy & prayers to his family.
The next time you turn on your GPS and see a terrain map....or look at your Synthetic Vision on your fancy EFIS....I want you to think of Bob Axsom. Bob was an important engineer at JPL when they built a radar system called SRTM (Space Radar Topography Mapper). We flew that monster payload on STS-99 and mapped (topographically) all the dirt on the planet between 60 degrees North and 60 degrees south. That data set will serve as the basis for ALL topographic mapping for the next 100 years.

Bob was instrumental to making that work. A racer? Yup - he did that too - but I will be forever grateful for what he did before he retired.

Bob already knows the way to Heaven - he helped map it.

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Such sad news about Bob. He was one member of this group that I hoped to meet in person one day.
We are so sorry to hear of the news. God has lifted your spirit to heaven to spend eternity with the love of your life. We will miss you Bob.
:( Rest in Peace my Friend.

Bob was a driving force in my build. I cherish the interaction we had. He was a dear friend and I will miss him. He was a Racer's racer!

Bob and Jeanine Axsom racing is back together again. Tailwinds my friend
Deeply saddened to hear about Bob. I felt like I knew him from his posts. May he rest in peace with his beloved.

I hoped to meet Bob some day. It will be delayed.

Bob was a unique individual and his life story and his love and dedication to his wife were inspiring. He was a good friend to me and I am honored to be one who was passed by him in a race.

God Speed..

Rest in peace Bob.

Never met Bob in person, conversed with him about speed mods a few time, but worshiped his every word about making his RV faster! Loved that no BS, take no prisoners attitude.

Missing you already :(
Bugger. Sorry to hear the news... I have a set of molds for one of Bob's early shorter span tips that he sent me after I asked him how hard it would be to make a set. No charge, he was just happy to find someone interested in them. I was hoping to tell him how they turned out after I made a set.

Despite being involved in a competitive hobby, he was always willing to discuss his speed improvement mods. He was just that kind of a guy, and he will be missed.
The world is a little poorer, and heaven a little richer. We have lost a fine member of our group. Though I never met him, I miss him already.

The world is a little poorer, and heaven a little richer. We have lost a fine member of our group. Though I never met him, I miss him already.


I couldn't have said it better.

We will, I will, miss you Bob. Thanks for all the help!
So long my friend...

Sad news indeed, my memories of him will forever fill my heart and bring a smile.

Racer Bob, I raise my glass to you.
I don't know what the record is for a soul to go from earth to heaven

but I'll bet that Bob has shaved off at least a few minutes. Never has the phrase God's Speed been more appropriate.

Steve it couldn't have been said better.

Bob was probably there way ahead of the pack.

Ironflight thanks for the info. Never knew that about him.

I have no words.... except maybe, Thanks Bob!
Bob was a great guy

I made an extra effort to meet Bob in 2012 at Reno, and am so glad that I did. Here is a pic of Bob (center) with his plane:


Never has the phrase God's Speed been more appropriate.

Amen. Perfectly said, Steve.

I've learned so much from Bob's posts, certainly about speed mods, but more importantly about how to live with loss. Bob spoke so eloquently of his dear wive's fight for her life, of his pain at her loss, and of his eternal devotion to her.

Godspeed, Bob and Jeanine.

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I'm very saddened to hear this. I really enjoyed his input on VAF from his unique perspective. Rest in Peace Bob.
What a shock...

I've known Bob through the race circuit for a couple of years and through racing boats, motorcycles, and planes have never met a man more passionate about his wife, his aerodynamics, and the little things that make for a race win.

His writings and sharing of most of his intricate planning and mods are memorialized here on VAF and for that we can be thankful.

To his son and family: we all share in your loss and are thankful for the light your Dad provided to us all......

Thanks also to Iron and the others who've reminded us of Bob's many contributions.....

Race 71 Rest in Peace

My first encounter with Bob Axsom was at the Plainview, Texas race in 2010. It was my rookie race and we rounded the last turn side by side and all the way to the finish. That first experience going as fast as I could beside another plane is what got me hooked on air racing. He posted a nice writeup about it on the SARL forum and made me feel like one of the gang. A lasting memory.
Stunning news. I will miss his posts also.

Paul, thanks for letting us know of Bob's other contributions. Sometimes we forget that all of the technology we enjoy was designed and built by people with incredible vision into the future.
I never met Bob, but his posts and personal history impressed me a lot with his commitment to "doing it his way" and his commitment to "doing it right". I feel like we've lost a real asset to the RV community.
Race "71"

Race 71 you have cleared the last pylon. You are cleared direct to Heaven intersection. Have a great flight. You will be missed in our airspace sir!
When I first started reading VAF, I was struck by how easy it was for everyone to share their area of expertise and help those with questions.

Bob Axsom was one of those with lots of expertise. He got his the old fashioned way - he learned it.

When I was struggling to learn the science of performance testing, Bob was right to the point with his methods. It has served me well ever since.

I have no doubt, all of his performance mods have made for a quick track across the finish line as he smiles, once more, with Jeanine as his copilot.
I never met Bob, buit I will surely miss his clear wisdom on this forum

So many of us are a little better at what we do with these planes, just because he cared and shared.
Never seen such an enthusiastic race guy as Bob. He breathed racing and adrenalin and enjoyed life and racing right to the end. Tailwinds forever my friend.
Sorry to hear that. I read everything he wrote, about getting that extra few knots. It was always interesting.
I've been lucky enough to meet Bob several times over the last few years at the SARL races. He was a really great guy. He loved his racing, for sure. And he was a true gentleman. He stopped in the middle of the AirVenture Cup to pick up a stranded racer and carry him to the finish. He would often post to the SARL mailing list stories of his time at NASA and JPL; things that he worked on which were truly fascinating. I don't often visit this forum, but it doesn't surprise me in the least to find so many comments from people he has helped. (And Steve's comment about breaking the record from Earth to Heaven is right on the money; if anyone can do it, Bob can!) I will miss him.



With his wife again

Bob was an interesting man. The one thing about him that was known by all was his love for his wife. I am sure he is a happy man now being together again. God speed Bob.
Like so many others, I was in awe of Bob's talent and focus, but I was more impressed by his devotion to his wife through her most difficult days, and by the sadness he bore after her passing. In a world of ordinary men, he was extraordinary in every way. God Bless his family in their time of loss...and by that I include all of us at VAF who hung on Bob's every word, rejoiced in his successes, encouraged him through his tough times, and loved the guy without most of us ever having met him. Godspeed, tailwinds, and Blue Skies to a racer, a gentleman, and a great human being.
Hand salute

As we do in the Air Force, I give a toast to Bob, smash the shot glass so it may never be used to toast any other, and I throw a nickel on the grass to save a pilot's a$$. Fair skies and tailwinds, Bob.

With heartfelt sorrow...
Sad news

Shocking news, my sympathies to Bob's family and friends.

I will miss Bob's postings. He obviously put great effort into sharing his experiences to benefit others. One particular post by Bob earlier this month, stands out to me - "Instrument Rating - Mixed Blessing". He described in vivid detail a very challenging IFR flight, with an uncertain outcome, and his survival.

Bob's outstanding writing and sudden passing converges with other recent threads and posts regarding triumphs and tragedies, first flights and final flights, and "is it worth it". Hair on fire, racing, flying at Reklaw, or suddenly lost in sleep, it is how we spend our heartbeats in the middle.

IMHO Bob spent his heartbeats wisely.

What horrible news to start my day. Bob will be sorely missed.

Considering another recent thread, we can guess Bob's response but my own assessment is that Bob's flying was certainly worth it for the rest of us.
I was always touched by his poignant posts about his wife. He was loved and he found love on this earth. Not much more anyone can ask for in the very short time we're allotted.
I can hear his voice over the radio, "Race 71, Finish."

Well done Bob! It was a pleasure to meet you...
So sorry to receive this news. Bob put the Experimental in EAB. I specifically looked for his posts and always learned something. He will be missed greatly.
Shocking news this morning to hear we have lost Bob.
One thing that always stood out to me was his ability to share information on the speed mods, especially when a mod, which he had spent an enormous amount of time with, was less than successful. Obviously Bob did not want anyone to duplicate the time spent on a mod unless it was successful. Amazing amount of effort went into the pursuit of a 1 mph increase.

The weather here in Houston is dreary and wet and this leads me to believe this weather is from all the tears being shed from the news of Bob's passing.

Pat Garboden
RV9A N942PT Phase I
Katy, TX