Mike Coady

Well Known Member
Has anyone use bob archer VOR antennas? Placed in wingtip? Rough description of how it's installed/affixed and how well do they receive ?
Lots of info out there, including multiple threads here. Instructions are pretty specific, but many still install them wrong and then complain that they don't work.

Almost universal opinion from users who installed correctly is that they work great.
Use the Search feature of the forum with "archer" as the key word. Many threads stretching back many years about using the Bob Archer antennae will provide all available knowledge needed to install and use the NAV antenna.
Everyone else said it so I will not repeat it.

Mine are 20-years old and flying 19.5-years over 3,200 hobbs hours. I can pick up a VOR signal most of the time before I can pick up the ID signal. It is reported to me by Bob Archer (I use to live a few miles from him and purchased mine directly from him at his residence 20 some years ago.) that they have a dead spot but I am not a good enough pilot or test engineer to find it. (Note: I have an FAA Commercial Certificate, Instrument rated, fly RV Formation that include being part of most large RV Formations at AirVenture Oshkosh for the past 18-years, and now retired from a job that was Test Engineer & System Engineering.)

IMHO, IF they are installed as directed, they are the best VOR antennas that money can buy.
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