
Well Known Member
I was in a local boat supply store looking for flox the other day and I wandered around and got into the lighting section. I was wondering if anyone has used nautical navs for aviation?
They sold some replacement filters that I though would make a cheaper set up with a bayonet replacement LED light to light it up.
I know there are a few LED solutions out there but I was thinking something could be cobbled together with off the shelf components.
Is there something Im missing with this thought process? diffrent colors? (I dont think they are)
This is where it's important to buy product that's tested and approved for a particular application - airplanes. Brightness, durability, and visibility to published standards are important not only to you, but others in the air as well. I'd hate to see a bunch of homebuilts flying around with Christmas Tree lightbulbs in the wingtips. Might make me want to give up nigh flying.
Terry, CFI
This is where it's important to buy product that's tested and approved for a particular application - airplanes. Brightness, durability, and visibility to published standards are important not only to you, but others in the air as well. I'd hate to see a bunch of homebuilts flying around with Christmas Tree lightbulbs in the wingtips. Might make me want to give up nigh flying.
Terry, CFI

Terry, I think you're worrying about this a bit too much. I'm sure that boat fixtures made of heavy cast brass with waterproof lighting elements would work just fine- once it gets off the ground!
As I recall, the swept viewing angle for boat position lights is 22 degrees abaft the beam (112 degrees), while aircraft is 110 degrees.

When you get a ramp check and the FAA inspector whips out his protractor, you are in big trouble :).

I think you're correct as to angle of the boat lights. At the same time, I believe their visibility requirement is only 2 miles. Let's see... two RVs closing at 160 kts each leaves about 22 seconds for reaction IF I see him the instant he becomes visible. I still vote for the Christmas tree lights.
Terry, CFI
No I fully understand the requirements and of course would not try to be at or under the requirements, Im not talking led christmas tree lights, Im talking a large enough filter and a appropriately bright light to put under it to make the light, the way I see it with the angle already on the wing tip if I make the light so that you can see it anytime you can see the cut out Im sure the angle of the dangle requirements will be meet or exceeded.
I dont know who can actually pic out nav lights with any kind of consistancy, I assume thats why the anti collision requirments came about. Trust me unless Im IMC Ill have my strobes for you to see. Then you can look and try to figure out what way Im going with the colors.
Of course I wont be bolting on a nice brass nav light, Ill bet it would look nice though:p